About Us

Aims & Scope
Publication Ethics
Publication Frequency
Editorial Staff
Editorial Board

Aims & Scope

"Music Academy" is a quarterly scientific and critical journal about music. The subjects of the articles published in the journal cover all research areas related to the specialty 17.00.02—"Musical art."

The journal is intended for musicologists, composers, art historians, cultural experts, undergraduate and graduate students of music universities, as well as for all those interested in musical art.

The journal is included in the List of Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, in which major scientific results of theses for academic degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published.

The full-text version of the journal is placed in the Scientific Electronic Library elibrary.ru. The journal is included in the Russian Index of Science Citation (RINTs). The journal is abstracted and indexed in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. Its full-text content is available electronically through RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text and EBSCO database.

The content of the articles may does not reflect the official opinion of the editorial team. Republication of papers is allowed only with the permission of the editorial office. The editors are not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in advertisements.

Constitutor of the journal is All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Composers of Russia."

The publication is carried out with the financial support of the Russian Cultural Foundation, the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Composers of Russia,” and Kompozitor Publishing House Ltd.


Publication Frequency

The journal is issued four times a year.



The journal was established in February 1933 by the Union of Composers of the USSR and the Ministry of Culture of the USSR as a monthly print edition named "Soviet Music." From 1943 to 1946, it was issued as collections of articles. From 1951 to 1958, it was published with a printed music appendix. In 1979, it had the circulation in 21 thousand copies. In early 1992, by democratic decision of the editorial staff, the journal was renamed Music Academy.

In Soviet times, the journal published articles on domestic and foreign classical composers’ works, the problems of music science, the development of national and ethnic musical cultures, heritage and education, and performance issues. Also, the journal comprised discussion materials, critical articles and reviews of concerts and theater premieres, books and printed music, a chronicle of domestic and foreign musical life. The editorial board of the journal included renowned Soviet composers and musicologists. In particular, Dmitri Shostakovich was a member of the editorial board from 1946 to 1975.


Nikolay I. Chelyapov (1933–1937)
Moisey A. Greenberg (1937–1939)
Dmitry B. Kabalevsky (1940–1946)
A. A. Nikolayev (1947)
Marian V. Koval (1948–1952)
Georgiy N. Khubov (1952–1957)
Yuriy V. Keldysh (1957–1961)
Elena A. Grosheva (1961–1970)
Yuriy S. Korev (1970–2012)
Marina V. Voinova (2012–2018)
Yaroslav I. Timofeev (since 2018)


Editorial Staff

Yaroslav I. Timofeev, Candidate of Art Criticism

Executive Secretary:
Andrey P. Goretskiy

Elena M. Dvoskina
, Candidate of Art Criticism
Anna S. Loseva
Lyudmila I. Sundukova, Candidate of Art Criticism

Elina I. Plotitsa
, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia

Yulia L. Nogareva

Executive Editor:
Evgeniya Voronova

Online Editor:
Elina A. Andrianova

Manager of Special Projects:
Vladimir V. Zhalnin

Marina I. Nestyeva, Candidate of Art Criticism, Honored Artist of Russia


Editorial Board

Levon O. Akopyan, Doctor of Art Criticism, Head of the Music Theory Department, State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia

Inna A. Barsova, Doctor of Art Criticism, Honored Artist of Russia, Professor at the Music Theory Department, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow, Russia

Rauf Ya. Farkhadov, Doctor of Art Criticism, member of the Admission Committee and the Directorate of the Union of Moscow Composers, Moscow, Russia

Bernd Feuchtner, PhD, independent researcher, President of the German Shostakovich Society, Berlin, Germany

Marina Frolova-Walker, PhD, Professor at the University of Cambridge and Gresham College, Professor of Music History and Director of Studies in Music at Clare College, Cambridge, UK

Larisa L. Gerver, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor at the Analytical Musicology Department, The Gnesins Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia

Larisa V. Kirillina, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor at the Foreign Music History Department, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow, Russia

Alla G. Korobova, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor at the Music Theory Department, Mussorgsky Ural State Conservatory, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Igor V. Macievski, Doctor of Art Criticism, Honored Artist of Ukraine and Poland, Academician at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the UN International Informatization Academy, Head of the Organology Department, Russian Institute of Art History, St. Petersburg, Russia

Aleksandr L. Maklygin, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor and Head of the Music Theory and Composition Department, Zhiganov State Kazan Conservatory, Kazan, Russia

Olga B. Manulkina, Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor at the Liberal Arts and Sciences Department, St. Petersburg State University, Associate Professor at the Foreign Music History Department, Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory, St. Petersburg, Russia

Krzysztof Meyer, independent researcher, member of Polish Academy of Learning, Altenkirchen, Germany

Roman A. Nasonov, Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor at the Foreign Music History Department, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow, Russia

Marina G. Raku, Doctor of Art Criticism, Leading Researcher at the Music History Department, State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia

Dorothea Redepenning, PhD, Professor at Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany

Mikhail A. Saponov, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor and Acting Head of the Foreign Music History Department, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow, Russia

Svetlana I. Savenko, Doctor of Art Criticism, Leading Researcher at the Music History Department, State Institute for Art Studies, Professor at the Contemporary Music Department, Tchaikovsky State Moscow Conservatory, Moscow, Russia 

Aleksandr S. Sokolov, Doctor of Art Criticism, Honored Artist of Russia, Professor and Head of the Music Theory Department, Rector of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow, Russia

Evgeniy B. Trembovelskiy, Doctor of Art Criticism, Honored Artist of Russia, Professor and Head of the Music Theory Department, Voronezh State Institute of Arts, Voronezh, Russia

Elizabeth Wilson, independent researcher, UK, London

Konstantin V. Zenkin, Doctor of Art Criticism, Vice-Rector for Research, Professor at the Foreign Music History Department, Chairman of the Thesis Committee, Tchaikovsky State Moscow Conservatory, Moscow, Russia

Natalya M. Zeyfas, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor of the Russian Music History and Theory Department, Victor Popov Academy of Choral Art, Moscow, Russia

Patrick Zuk, PhD, Professor of Russian Cultural Studies and Music at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Director (Arts and Humanities) of the Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, Durham, UK


Public Organization "Union of Russian Composers"

Director General:
Karina S. Abramyan

Karina S. Abramyan

Pyotr G. Pospelov

Art Director:
Grigory D. Zhukov



125009, Moscow, per. Brusov, d. 8/10, kor. 2.
007 495 232 52 11, ma@mus.academy

Subscription index: 70840

ISSN 0869–4516
eISSN 2686–9284
Mass Media Registration Certificate No. 01264 of 06/19/1992
Certificate of registration of electronic media EL No. FS 77-75937 of 05/30/2019