Igor V. Macievski

Doctor of Art Criticism, composer, ethnomu­sico­logist, Professor and Head of the Instrumenta­tion Sector at the Russian Institute of Art His­tory. Born in Kharkov. In 1965, he graduated from Lviv State Conservatory with a degree in composition (class of A. Soltys), then completed his assistant-internship in the composition class of O. Evlakhov, and a postgraduate course in the instrumental science sector of the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (now the Russian Institute of Art History). In the 1970s, he taught composition at Ivano-Frankivsk Music College, in the 1980s—at Mussorgsky Leningrad Music College, in the early 1990s—composition and instrumentation at Lviv Conservatory. He also taught at the Folk Song Art Department of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. Since 1993—Professor at Petrozavodsk State Con­ser­vatory, teaching composition, organology, and musical anthropology. Professor at the Sound Engineering Department, St. Petersburg Huma­nitarian University of Trade Unions. His works include several dozen major symphonic, cham­ber and choral cycles, as well as music for 12 films. Member of the Unions of Composers of St. Peters­burg, Russia and Ukraine, Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine and Poland, Aca­demician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the UN International Academy of Informatization, member of the UNESCO Inter­national Council of Traditional Music.