Guide for authors
How to Prepare a Manuscript
List of References
Publication Ethics
Open Access Policy
Submission Procedure
Music Academy accepts for consideration previously unpublished materials drawn in accordance with the guidelines set forth below. The texts submitted simultaneously to several periodicals will not be considered. If the article is co-written, the consent of all authors for publication in Music Academy is necessary.
The subjects of the articles published in the journal cover all research areas related to the specialty 17.00.02—"Musical art."
The papers are accepted at in .docx or .doc format. After internal review, the editors will contact the author by the email specified by him/her.
The internal review period is one month. After that, the scientific articles corresponding to the editorial requirements will be sent for external peer review (double blind method). The standard term for external review is one month.
If the review reveals the need for revision of the text, the editors will send recommendations to the author. The final date of receipt of the material in the editorial office is the date of submission of the revised article or receipt by the editorial office of the author's motivated refusal to follow the proposed recommendations.
Next, the article will be sent for editing, which is carried out in dialogue with the author. The edited text of the article will be approved by the editor-in-chief and submitted for formatting. Before sending the journal to the printing house, the proofs of the articles can be sent to the author for final verification.
Each article and each issue of the journal will be assigned a DOI (digital object identifier), registered in Crossref system.
The editorial office will not charge for publishing the articles. The whole range of article preparation services—internal and external reviewing, scientific, literary and technical editing, correction, manuscript preparation in accordance with international standards and requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission, metadata editing, DOI assigning, preparation of the original layout, graphic image processing, printing services—will be provided free of charge.
According to the Federal Law “On the Mandatory Copy of Documents,” No. 77-FZ (edition from 11/07/ 2011), the editorial office will send out mandatory copies. The authors of the articles larger than 20,000 printed characters (including spaces) will be entitled to receive a free personal copy in the editorial office.
All scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal will be reviewed.
The internal editorial review will be carried out by the editor-in-chief. He/she will assess the article in terms of its compliance with the editorial requirements, novelty and relevance of the topic, significance for science, and readiness of the text for publication. As a result of internal reviewing, one of the following decisions will be made:
- pre-approve the publication of the article and send it for external review;
- refuse to publish;
- suggest the author to amend the text and, if agreed, consider the text again.
The external peer review process will be carried out by specialists in the relevant field who have a scientific degree and studies on the subject of the reviewed article published over the past three years.
Reviewing is carried out with confidentiality. The model of “double blind” review will be used: the personal data of the author and reviewer will not be disclosed. The review will note the importance and relevance of the topic, the theoretical and practical significance of the study, the quality of use of the references, the degree of novelty, and validity of the conclusions. Recommendations on correcting errors and shortcomings of the text will be given. Each review will contain a conclusion about the advisability of publishing the article.
The reviewers will submit to the editorial office the original reviews and/or their electronic copies signed and certified in situ.
The content of the review will be brought to the attention of the author. If the reviewer recommends changes to the text of the article, the author will send a revised version to the editorial office or reject the comments of the reviewer with reason.
The editorial office will keep records of the reviews and track the traffic of the manuscripts. All reviews will be kept in the editorial office for at least five years. The editorial office will send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.
How to Prepare a Manuscript
The maximum size of an article, including footnotes, a list of references, and metadata, is 40,000 printed characters with spaces. Larger articles may be accepted for publication by editorial decision in special cases. The review of the books, music publications, audio or video recordings should not exceed 20,000 printed characters with spaces.
- Font size: 12 for the main text, 10 for the footnotes.
- Hightlights: italic and bold fonts.
- Line spacing in the main text and in the footnotes—one and a half.
- Paragraphs: indent—1 cm, paragraph spacing—normal.
- Footnotes: page by page, pass through numbering.
- Footnote character: superscript Arabic numbers.
- Place of footnote character: before “.”, “,”, but after “?”, “!”, “...”.
- Quotation marks: the so-called typographic quotation marks («»), inside quotations—dumb quotation marks ("").
- Quotations are given in normal font (not italic), in quotation marks. Omissions inside quotations are shown as <...>. Comments of the author of the article inside quotations should look as follows: (highlighted by me.—A. B.).
- Square brackets are used to insert omitted words in quotations and to expand the meaning (for example: "he reported it to I. A. [Irina Alexandrovna]"), also for [sic].
- Names:
- Original names of musical, literary works, films, etc.—both Russian and foreign—are given in normal font everywhere, with a capital letter and in quotation marks (for example, «Games»).
- Genre names—with a capital letter, without quotation marks (for example, Novelette).
- Ordinal numbers of symphonies, concertos, sonatas are preferably written in words (not numbers).
- Designation of opuses are not separated with a comma. For example: Prelude h-moll Op. 7 No. 2, Second Piano Concerto Op. 29.
- Keys are written in Latin: C-dur, g-moll.
- Names of sounds: Latin alphabet in italic: h, G, a2.
- Special musical signs: in the original language in italic: staccato, rubato, diminuendo, prolatio minor.
- Dates should be in numbers: centuries—in Roman numerals, years and decades—in Arabic numerals.
- The abbreviations of the words are allowed in exceptional cases.
- Letter “ё” is not used, except in names and when its absence changes the meaning (example: «все всё-таки»).
- Dash: use em dash (—) with spaces between words (in Russian), and en dash without spaces between numerals (1997–2012, pp. 25–47).
- Non-breaking space: between the initials, as well as between an initial(s) and a last name, between an abbreviated first name and last name (for example, G. S.), between a number sign and a digit (No. 5), between the abbreviation "p." and the page number (p. 6), as well as Vol. 7, Vol. 10, op. 20.
The article may contain musical examples and graphic images (pictures, drawings, schemes, tables). They should be inserted into the document, and also attached as separate files. Examples of sheet music are provided in .tiff format with a resolution of 600 dpi. Illustrations are provided in .tiff or .jpg format with a resolution of 300 dpi or more. The maximum width of a graphic image in the journal is 140 mm (1650 pixels). The name of the file should indicate the last name of the author of the article and the ordinal number of a photograph, picture, or example of sheet music. A file with a full list of illustrations and sheet music examples should be attached to the text of the article. Each item of the list should contain: 1) a caption of the illustration or musical example in Russian and English, 2) the name or title of the copyright holder (if the file is taken from open sources on the Internet—the name of the site).
The editorial staff may request a portrait photo of the author for publication in the printed version of the journal or on
List of References
Research article should necessarily contain a bibliographic list and a copy of it in the Latin alphabet. The in-text references to the literature should be given in square brackets: [source number from the list of references, page number].
All sources mentioned in the list of references should be mentioned in the text of the article, and vice versa. It is recommended to use foreign literature published in the last five years.
References to printed music and archival sources should be provided in page footnotes and not included in the list of references. An example of a reference to an archival source: Letter of L. Sabaneev to N. Roslavets dated December 13, 1926, RGALI. F. 2659. Op. 1. Item 86. L. 1.
The references in the list should be arranged in alphabetical order, first all references in Russian, then in other languages.
The bibliography should be drawn up in accordance with GOST:
At the end of the bibliographic description of each source, a DOI, if any, should be indicated. The DOI can be found on the Crossref website.
The copy of the list of references in the Latin alphabet should be drawn up as follows:
- bibliographic references in Russian or other languages using the Cyrillic alphabet should be given in the Latin version; bibliographic references in foreign languages using the Latin alphabet should be copied;
- Latin version of Cyrillic bibliographic references shoud be drawn up in the following way:
- the author's name should be transliterated,
- the title of the article, dissertation, or extended abstract should be translated into English,
- the title of the source (book, journal, digest) should be transliterated and then translated in square brackets (the title of the journal should be translated only if the English title is established),
- the name of the publisher should be transliterated,
- when linking to an article, the range of pages should be given; when linking to a book, the total number of pages should not be indicated,
- an inscription (In Russ.) should be added at the end (same for the other languages using the Cyrillic alphabet),
- transliteration is carried out according to BGN standard. For correct and fast transliteration is recommended;
- bibliographic references in English are carried out according to MLA standard. To create correct references, is recommended.
References in Russian
- Народное музыкальное творчество / отв. ред. О. А. Пашина. СПб. : Композитор, 2005. 568 с.
- Захарбекова И. Музыкально-театральные произведения М. Равеля в контексте французской культуры начала ХХ в. М. : РАМ им. Гнесиных, 2018. 150 с.
Aricles in non-recurrent publications
- Хаджаева Т. Фольклор // Карачаевцы. Балкарцы. М. : Наука, 2014. С. 522–584.
Articles in recurrent editions
- Хруст Н. Что делать, если вы хотите сочинять электроакустическую музыку? // Музыкальная академия. 2020. № 2. С. 193–219. DOI: 10.34690/77.
Dissertations and extended abstracts
- Переверзева М. Алеаторика как принцип композиции. Дисс. ... доктора искусствоведения. М. : Московская гос. консерватория им. П. И. Чайковского, 2015. 570 с.
- Стефанович Д. Композиторская школа Н. А. Римского-Корсакова в контексте развития русской духовной музыки. Автореф. дисс. … канд. искусствоведения. СПб. : Санкт-Петербургская гос. консерватория им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова, 2016. 24 с.
Electronic sources
- Раку М. Музыка «революционной Франции» в раннесоветской культуре: опыты исторической реконструкции // Искусство музыки. Теория и история. 2016. № 14. C. 86–112. URL: (дата обращения: 11.05.2019).
- Фотовыставка «История Союза композиторов России в фотографиях» // Сайт Союза композиторов России. URL: (дата обращения: 15.02.2019).
English Version of Russian References
- Narodnoe muzykal’noe tvorchestvo [Folk Music], by O. A. Pashina, St. Petersburg : Kompozitor, 2005. (In Russ.)
- Zakharbekova, I. S. Muzykal’no-teatral’nye proizvedeniya M. Ravelya v kontekste frantsuzskoy kul’tury nachala 20 v. [Musical and Theatrical Works of M. Ravel in the Context of French Culture at the Beginning of the 20th Century], Moscow : RAM Im. Gnesinykh, 2018. (In Russ.)
Articles in non-recurrent publications
- Khadzhaeva, T. “Folklore.” Karachaevtsy. Balkartsy, Moscow: Nauka, 2014, pp. 522–584. (In Russ.)
Articles in recurrent editions
- Khrust, N. “What to do if you want to compose electroacoustic music?” Muzykal’naya akademiya [Music Academy], no. 2, 2020, pp. 193–219, doi:10.34690/77. (In Russ.)
Disserations and extended abstracts
- Pereverzeva, M. “Aleatoric as a composition principle.” Doctoral (Art Criticism) Dissertation, Moscow : Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, 2015. (In Russ.)
- Stefanovich, D. “Composer's school of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the context of the development of Russian sacred music.” Extended Abstract of Candidate (Art Criticism) Dissertation, St. Petersburg: Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory, 2016. (In Russ.)
Electronic sources
- Raku, M. “The music of ‘Revolutionary France’ in the early Soviet culture: experiments of historical reconstruction.” Art of Music. Theory and History, no. 14, 2016, pp. 86–112, (accessed 11 May 2019). (In Russ.)
- “Photo Exhibition ‘The history of the Union of Composers of Russia in photos’.” Sayt Soyuza kompozitorov Rossii, (accessed 15 February 2019). (In Russ.)
To be provided together with an article:
- the title of the article;
- the author’s full name;
- ORCID (in case of its absence, register on
- email;
- detailed and informative abstract of the article (750 to 1 500 characters with spaces);
- keywords (five to ten);
- acknowledgements (funding sources and/or the names of the people who assisted in his/her work);
- information about the author (scientific degree, rank, position and place of work);
- biography (300 to 1 000 characters with spaces).
The above information (except email and ORCID) should be provided in Russian and English.
Example of a Metadata
Название статьи: Исторические метаморфозы псалмового тона в «Miserere» Грегорио Аллегри
Автор: Хлюпина Анастасия Александровна
Аннотация. В статье предлагается новый подход к изучению рукописей и изданий легендарного «Miserere» Грегорио Аллегри. Отказавшись от попытки реконструировать сочинение на основе имеющихся источников, автор статьи исследует саму традицию фиксации его нотного текста в XVII–XXI веках. Тем самым в фокусе внимания оказывается процесс перехода от импровизируемого многоголосия (в первых рукописях «Miserere», созданных после смерти Аллегри) к строго фиксированному нотному тексту с исполнительскими ремарками (в редакциях второй половины XVIII — начала XXI века). В ходе этой эволюции (проходившей в три этапа) постепенно был утрачен главный элемент композиции «Miserere» — псалмовый тон, лежащий в основе фобурдонных и псалмодических разделов сочинения, что послужило причиной не только редакционных погрешностей, но и «дисбаланса» в восприятии всей композиции.
Ключевые слова: «Miserere», Грегорио Аллегри, псалмовый тон, блуждающий тон, фобурдон, альтернатим, abbellimenti
Благодарности: выражаю признательность доктору искусствоведения, профессору Римме Леонидовне Поспеловой, под чьим руководством я разрабатывала тему в рамках своей курсовой работы.
Об авторе: Хлюпина Анастасия Александровна, студентка научно-композиторского факультета Московской государственной консерватории имени П. И. Чайковского
Биография. Родилась в 1996 году в городе Старый Оскол. Окончила Белгородский государственный музыкальный колледж имени С. А. Дегтярёва. С 2017 года — студентка научно–композиторского факультета Московской государственной консерватории имени П. И. Чайковского (дипломный класс доцента кафедры истории зарубежной музыки Р. А. Насонова). Председатель Студенческого научно-творческого общества консерватории (с 2020 года). Лауреат VII Всероссийского конкурса молодых ученых в области искусства и культуры. Стипендиат образовательного фонда «Талант и успех» (с 2017 года).
Article’s title: Historical Metamorphoses of the Psalm Tone in Gregorio Allegri’s “Miserere”
Author: Anastasia A. Khlyupina
Abstract. The article discusses a new approach to the study of manuscripts and editions of the legendary Gregorio Allegri’s “Miserere.” Instead of reconstructing the composition on the basis of available sources, the author of the article explores the tradition of fixing the musical text of the composition in 17th—21st centuries. Thus, the focus is on the process of transition from improvised polyphony (in the first manuscripts of “Miserere,” created after Allegri’s death) to a fixed musical text with performing directions (in the second half of the 18th—early 21st centuries editions). During this evolution (which took place in three phases), the main element of the “Miserere”—the psalm tone, underlying the fauxbourdon and psalmodic sections—was gradually lost, which caused not only editorial errors, but also “imbalance” in the perception of the whole structure.
Keywords: “Miserere”, Gregorio Allegri, psalm tone, tonus peregrinus, falsobordone, alternatim, abbellimenti
Acknowledgements: Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor Rimma L. Pospelova, under whose guidance the author of the article developed the subject as part of her term paper.
About the author: Anastasia A. Khlyupina, student of the Musicology and Composition Faculty, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
Biography: Born in in Stary Oskol in 1996. Graduated from Degtyarev Belgorod State Music College. Since 2017 she has been a student of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (Faculty of Musicology and Composition; under Associate Professor R. A. Nasonov’s supervision). Chairman of the the Students’ Scholarly and Art Society of Moscow Conservatory (since 2020). Winner of the 7th All-Russian Competition for Young Scientists in the Field of Arts and Culture (2020). Scholarship holder of the “Talent and Success” Educational Foundation (since 2017).
Publication Ethics
Ethical and legal basis of editorial policy
Editorial policy of the journal is based on the observation of Russian law, copyrights and ethical principles adopted in the contemporary international scientific community. All authors, reviewers, editorial staff, and editorial board members entering into a legal relationship with the editorial office must follow the ethical standards set out below.
Editorial staff must make reasonable efforts to identify and prevent a publication of those articles that are written or submitted in violation of the following ethical standards. Editorial staff has no rights to promote or knowingly commit such violations. If editorial staff discovers the facts of ethical standards violations or receives a statement of such violation, it is obliged to consider these facts or statements.
The rules of publication ethics were developed taking into account the recommendations of relevant international organizations:
Originality in scientific research and articles
“Music Academy” gives priority to articles reporting original research studies. Submitting a manuscript for publication, an author must notify the editorship of any early submitted publications of that text, including if the text has undergone significant changes. If, after the publication of the article, it is discovered that a similar article has been published in other publications and the author did not notify the editors of this in advance, an announcement will be placed in the next issue of the journal and on its website that this publication is multiple.
Editor-in-chief responsibilities
The editor-in-chief manages the journal, its concept and editorial policy. The editor-in-chief is responsible for making decisions on articles publishing, taking into account such criteria as quality, novelty, actuality and relevance to the journal profile. Discrimination of the author's rights on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship and / or political views is not allowed.
The editor-in-chief decides upon whether to publish an article on the basis of the results of internal and external reviews. Peer-review is based on the principles of objectivity and freedom from conjuncture. The editor-in-chief ensures the reviewers anonymity, the independence and objectivity of the reviewers judgments, as well as the absence of conflicts of interest.
The editor-in-chief oversees compliance with ethical standards set out in these rules by all participants in the editorial and publishing process.
The editor-in-chief guarantees readiness to publish corrections, refutations, clarifications and apologies of the participants in the scientific and publishing process in cases where it is necessary.
Editor responsibilities
Editor carries out the scientific and literary revision of the article, coordinating all changes, except for those which are related to the field of proofreading, with the author.
In the case of a conflict of interest, the editor shall promptly notify the editor-in-chief about it.
Editor maintains confidentiality of correspondence with authors. In the case of a disputable or conflict situation, the editor has the right to acquaint the editor-in-chief with the content of the correspondence.
Editor cannot transfer the text of the article or its fragments to third parties without the author’s written permission.
Author responsibilities
Submitting an article for publication, the author guarantees that he / she himself / herself and all his / her co-authors indicated in the article have made a significant contribution to the research, the result of which is submitted for publication.
Author is responsible for the accuracy of the data presented in his article.
Author submits to the editorial staff a list of references by his / her own.
The author agrees that all sources of research funding are indicated in the text of the article, and there are no factors that could create a conflict of interest in relation to the article. Otherwise, the author must notify the editor of a possible conflict of interest. Editors and reviewers should inform the editor-in-chief if they find a potential conflict of interest. The presence of a conflict of interest does not mean an automatic refusal to publish the article.
The author agrees to participate in the review process by making changes to the text of the article proposed by the reviewer, or a reasoned refusal to make changes. If, during the pre-printing process or after the publication of the article, the author finds errors in it, he must notify the editorial staff of this and provide the necessary corrections and / or refutations as soon as possible.
Reviewer responsibilities
The reviewer ensures the objectivity and impartiality of the review process. In the case of a conflict of interest, the reviewer notifies the editorial staff of it in advance.
The reviewer respects the confidentiality of the review process, even if he / she has revealed the identity of the author. The reviewer cannot transfer the text of the reviewed article in whole or in part to third parties.
The reviewer maintains confidentiality of correspondence with the editorial staff members.
The article may be removed from publication in case of detection of plagiarism and / or auto-plagiarism, claims for copyright from third parties, as well as detection of a conflict of interest, the consequences of which were not eliminated prior to publishing.
Before reviewing, all articles are checked for originality using the “Antiplagiat” system and / or other methods. In case of detection of plagiarism or incorrect borrowing, as well as techniques aimed at concealing plagiarism, the article is rejected. If plagiarism is found in an article that has already been published, an advertisement is posted in the journal and on its website; also the article can be withdrawn from publication.
Plagiarism is considered: a) the use of someone else’s and / or author’s own previously published text in any volume without indicating the source; b) use of graphic images without indicating the source and / or without the consent of the copyright holder; c) use without written permission of materials, the copyright holders of which have prohibited their quoting or copying.
Incorrect borrowing is considered: a) a link not to the first source of text or image without indicating this fact; b) incomplete bibliographic description of the source, preventing its identification.
Retracting articles
By the decision of the editor-in-chief and the editorial board, an article may be retracted from publication in the case of: a) detection of plagiarism, b) detection of copyright infringement, c) recognition of the article as a multiple (repeated) publication.
The editorial staff publishes a statement on the retraction of the article on the journal website and notifies the author of its decision in writing. However the article is not removed from the already published paper and electronic versions of the journal.
Open Access Policy
The journal provides readers with open access to articles, guided by the following principle: free access to research results stimulates the development of science and facilitates the global exchange of knowledge.
The journal has joined the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
Readers can view the full contents of the journal’s archived issues on the website, as well as the full contents of the current issue—three months after its publication. Also, readers can purchase the journal in paper or electronic form at any time, starting from the date of publication.
Reprinting of articles published in the journal is possible only with the written permission of the editorial staff.