Krzysztof Meyer

Polish composer, pianist, musicologist. In 1962–1965, studied at the State College of Music (now Academy of Music) in Kraków under Stanisław Wiechowicz and Krzysztof Penderecki; then—in Paris under Nadia Boulanger and in Warsaw under Witold Lutosławski. Performed as a pianist in MW2 Ensemble. From 1966 to 1987, he taught music theory at the State College of Music in Kraków, in 1972–1975 being the Head of the Music Theory Department. From 1987 to 2008, Meyer was professor of composition at the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne. In 1985–1989, he was the President of the Union of Polish Composers. For fourteen years (1974–1988) he took part in the work of the Repertory Committee of the “Warsaw Autumn” International Festival of Con­tem­porary Music.

Krzysztof Meyer is the author of 9 Symphonies, instrumental Concertos, 15 Quar­tets, two Operas, Mass, Oratorio and other works. He also wrote a fundamental mono­graph “Schostakowitsch. Sein Leben, sein Werk, seine Zeit” which has been many times republished not only in German but also in Russian translation.