The article combines an analysis of Yuri Vorontsov’s piano opus “Obryad” (2017)—covering the features of texture and formation, stylistic and dramaturgical developments, and content issues—with a broad view of the composer’s creative path as a whole. The influence of character and various motivations on his personal and professional development is discussed, and an analogy is drawn between the “chain form” in composition and the evolution of Vorontsov’s style, where all changes were formed gradually and in turn became a source of something new. Special attention is paid to the teaching activity of the composer who brought up many bright individuals, united, however, by the strong professional foundation. Discussing the tactics and strategy of Vorontsov’s relationship with music, its history, styles, and technologies, the author concludes that he cannot be called a composer with an avant-garde or structuralist type of thinking: being, image, and content in Vorontsov’s music are primary.
Farkhadov, R. Ya. “Yuri Vorontsov: ritual motivations and ‘formalisms’.” Muzykal’naya akademiya [Music Academy], no. 3, 2022, pp. 116–123, doi:10.34690/256. (In Russ.)