
Valentina Serova and Her Opera “Uriel Acosta.” Review of Evgeniya Skurko’s and Angelina Shchevelyova’s Book


Valentina Serova and Her Opera “Uriel Acosta.” Review of Evgeniya Skurko’s and Angelina Shchevelyova’s Book

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Bol’shoy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’. Muzyka [Great Encyclopedic Dictionary. Music], ed. by. Yu. V. Keldysh, 2nd ed., Moscow : Nauch. izd-vo “Bol’shaya Ros­siy­skaya entsiklopediya”, 1990, p. 495. (In Russ.)
  2. Keldysh, Yu. V. “Serova (née Bergman) Valentina Semyonovna.” Muzykal’naya entsiklopediya [Encyclo­pedia of Music], in 6 vols, vol. 6, ed. by Yu. V. Keldysh, Moscow : Izd-vo “Sov. Entsiklopediya”, 1978, col. 950–951. (In Russ.)
  3. Skurko, E. R., Shcheveleva, A. V. Opera V. S. Serovoy “Uriel’ Akosta” v kontekste khudozhestvennoy kul’tury XIX―nachala XX stoletiya: problemy dramaturgii, stilya [Opera “Uriel Acosta” by V. S. Serova in the Con­text of Artistic Culture of the 19th–early 20th Cen­turies: Prob­lems of Dramaturgy and Style], Ufa : Re­dak­tsionno-iz­datel’skiy sovet Ufimskogo gosu­dar­stvennogo insti­tuta iskusstv imeni Z. Ismagilova, 2023. (In Russ.)
  4. Entsiklopedicheskiy muzykal’nyy slovar’ [Encyclopedic Dictionary of Music], ed. by B. S. Shteynpress and I. M. Yampol’skiy, Moscow : Sov. entsiklopediya, 1966. (In Russ.)
  5. Brown, M. H. “Serova [née Bergman], Valentina Se­myonovna.” The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed., ed. by S. Sadie, ex. ed. Tyrrell, vol. 23 : Scott to Sources, MS, New York : Oxford Uni­ver­sity Prass, 2001, p. 140.