Mili Balakirev and Stanislav Moniuszko: Intertwining Creative Destinies (Based on the Materials of the Archive and Library of the Head of the New Russian School). To the 110th Death Anniversa

Mili Balakirev and Stanislav Moniuszko: Intertwining Creative Destinies (Based on the Materials of the Archive and Library of the Head of the New Russian School). To the 110th Death Anniversa

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. A. N. Serov. Kriticheskie stat’i (1851–1856) [A. N. Se­rov. Critical Articles], vol. I, St. Peterburg : Tip. Dep. Udelov, 1892. (In Russ.)
  2. Belza, I. “Moniuszko and his connection with Rus­sian musical culture.” Stanislav Monyushko. Sb. Sta­tey [Stanislav Moniuszko. Collection of Articles], ed. by I. Belza, Moscow—Leningrad : Muzgiz, 1952, pp. 7–46. (In Russ.)
  3. Vishnevskiy, Gzh. Vo slavu Shopena. Balakiev v Var­shave i Zhelyazovoy vole [For the Glory of Chopin. Balakiev in Warsaw and Zhelyazovoy Will], trans. from Polish by B. Gontarev, V. Tanskaya, Moscow : Muzyka, 2013. (In Russ.)
  4. Vishnevskiy, Gzh. “Opera Moniuszko in Russia.” Russko-pol’skie muzykal’nye svyazi : sbornik sta­tey [Russian-Polish Musical Relations : Collection of Article], ed., comp. by N. I. Braginskaya, ed. by N. I. Deg­tyareva, St. Peterburg : SPbGK-Skifiya-print, 2018, pp. 87–95. (In Russ.)
  5. Goryachikh, V. V. “M. A. Balakirev and the ‘Mer­maid’ of Dargomyzhsky.” M. A. Balakirev. Lichnost’. Traditsii. Sovremenniki. Sb. Statey i materialov iz serii «Balakirevu posvyashchaetsya» [M. A. Balakirev. Perso­nality. Traditions. Contemporaries. Articles and Mate­rials from the Series “Dedicated to Balakirev”], ed., comp. by T. A. Zaytseva, St. Peterburg : Kompozitor, 2004, pp. 108–117. (In Russ.)
  6. Zaytseva, T. A. M. A. Balakirev. Put’ v budushchee [M. A. Balakirev. Way to the Future], St. Peterburg : Kompozitor, 2017. (In Russ.)
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  8. Zaytseva, T. A. Tvorcheskie uroki M. A. Balakireva: Pianizm, dirizhirovanie, pedagogika [Creative Lessons of M. A. Balakirev: Pianism, Conducting, Pedagogy], St. Peterburg : Kompozitor, 2012. (In Russ.)
  9. Ivanov, M. M. “Musical sketches. Stasov in a mousetrap.” Novoe vremya [New time], no. 8513, November 8, 1899. (In Russ.)
  10. Ivanov, M. M. “Musical sketches. How not to write.” Novoe vremya [New time], no. 8499, October 25, 1899. (In Russ.)
  11. Kasher, R. “Musical works of Stanislav Moniuszko (short review).” Stanislav Monyushko. Sb. statey [Sta­nislav Moniuszko. Collection of Articles], ed. by I. Bel­za, Moscow—Leningrad : Muzgiz, 1952, pp. 166–188. (In Russ.)
  12. Kunin, I. F. Miliy Alekseevich Balakirev, Moscow : Sov. kompozitor, 1967. (In Russ.)
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  14. M. P. Musorgskiy. Pis’ma [M. P. Mussorgsky. Letters], Moscow : Muzyka, 1981. (In Russ.)
  15. Miliy Alekseevich Balakirev. Vospominaniya i pis’ma [Mili Alekseevich Balakirev. Memoirs and Letters], editorial board: Yu. A. Kremlev, A. S. Lyapunova, E. L. Frid (executive editor), Leningrad : Muzgiz, 1962. (In Russ.)
  16. Miliy Alekseevich Balakirev. Issledovaniya i stat’I
    [Mili Alekseevich Balakirev. Research and Articles],
    editorial board: Yu. A. Kremlev, A. S. Lyapunova, E. L. Frid (executive editor), Leningrad : Muzyka, 1961. (In Russ.)
  17. Miliy Alekseevich Balakirev. Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchest­va [Mili Alekseevich Balakirev. Chronicle of Life and Work], comp. by A. S. Lyapunova, E. E. Yazovitskaya, Leningrad : Muzyka, 1967. (In Russ.)
  18. Perepiska M. A. Balakireva s Yurgensonom [Correspondence of M. A. Balakirev with Jurgenson], comp. by V. A. Kiselev, A. S. Lyapunova, Moscow : Muzgiz, 1958. (In Russ.)
  19. Rudzin’skiy, V. “Moniuszko and his connections with Russian culture.” Russko-pol’skie muzykal’nye svyazi [Russian-Polish Musical Relations], ed. by I. Belza, Moscow : AN SSSR, 1963, pp. 199–255. (In Russ.)
  20. Svirida, I. I. “Moniuszko.” Muzykal’naya entsiklo­pe­diya [Musical Encyclopedia], vol. 3, Moscow : Sov. entsiklopediya, 1976, col. 657–661. (In Russ.)
  21. Spisok domam S.-Peterburga po politseyskim chas­tyam i uchastkam [List of Houses in St.-Petersburg by Police Station], comp. P. P. Neydgard, St. Peterburg : S.-Peterb. stolichn. i gub. stat. kom., 1869. (In Russ.)
  22. Stasov, V. V. “Evasions and inversions of g. Iva­nov.” Novosti i birzhevaya gazeta [News and Stock Newspaper], no. 314, November 14, 1899. (In Russ.)
  23. Stasov, V. V. “Inapppropriate article.” Novosti i bir­zhevaya gazeta [News and Stock newspaper], no. 302, November 2, 1899. (In Russ.)
  24. Ts. A. Kyui. Izbrannye pis’ma [C. A. Cui. Selected Letters], comp., introduction and comments by I. L. Gusin, Leningrad : Muzgiz, 1955. (In Russ.)
  25. Ts. A. Kyui. Izbrannye stat’i [C. A. Cui. Selected Articles], comp., introduction and comments by I. L. Gusin, Leningrad : Muzgiz, 1952. (In Russ.)