Research article

Superproject of Soviet Musicology. To the 50th Anniversary of Non-Publication

Research article

Superproject of Soviet Musicology. To the 50th Anniversary of Non-Publication

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


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    pp. 12–13.
  49. Cholopow, Yu. N. “Sonorik bei Karlheinz Stock­hausen: ein music-historischer Aspekt.” Musikos komponavimo principai. Teorija ir praktika, Vilnius, 2001, pp. 85–97.
  50. Stockhausen, K. Texte zur Musik, Bd. 1, Köln : M. Du­Mont Schauberg, 1963.Documents from Yu. N. Kholopov’s archive
  51. Letter from the director of the publishing house “Sovetskiy kompozitor” M. E. Kunin dated No­vem­ber 16, 1983 to S. I. Savenko (copies to R. S. Le­denev, N. N. Sidelnikov, Yu. N. Kholopov, A. G. Schnittke). Typescript. (In Russ.)
  52. Letter from S. I. Savenko, V. N. Kholopova, R. S. Le­denev, N. N. Sidelnikov, Yu. N. Kholopov, A. G. Schnittke to the Secretariat of the Union of Com­posers of the USSR (copies to the State Committee of the USSR for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade, to the Department of Culture of the CPSU Central Committee) dated January 16, 1984. Typewritten copy. (In Russ.)
  53. Contents of the book “On Compositional Tech­nique and the Language of Contemporary Music.” Typescript. (In Russ.)
  54. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Musical thematicism [Intro­duction to the first section].” Manuscript. Type­script. (In Russ.)