What New Data About Shostakovich’s Polyphonic Technique Can be Told by the Manuscripts of His Works?

What New Data About Shostakovich’s Polyphonic Technique Can be Told by the Manuscripts of His Works?

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  1. Bobrovskiy, V. Kamernye instrumental’nye ansambli D. Shostakovicha: Issledovanie [D. Shostakovich’s Chamber Instrumental Ensembles: A Research], Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1961. (In Russ.)
  2. Bussler, L. Strogiy stil’: Uchebnik prostogo i slozhnogo kontrapunkta, imitatsii, fugi i kanona v tserkovnykh ladakh [Strict Polyphony: A Textbook of Simple and Complex Counterpoint, Imitation, Fugue and Canon in Church Modes]. Translated from German by S. I. Taneev, 3rd edition, Moscow: Gos. izd-vo, Muz. sektor, 1925. (In Russ.)
  3. Gerver, L. “Dmitry Shostakovich: Manuscripts of the Period of Study in the Class of Counterpoint and Fugue (1920–1923).” Dmitriy Shostakovich. Issledovaniya i materialy, issue 5, edited by O. Di­gonskaya, L. Kovnatskaya. Being prepared for publication. (In Russ.)
  4. Gerver, L. “Description of Manuscript Sources.” D. Shostakovich. Novoe sobranie sochineniy [New Collected Works], vol. 113: 24 Prelyudii i fugi [24 Preludes and Fugues], Moscow: DSCH, 2015, pp. 283–318. (In Russ.)
  5. Gerver, L. L. “Josef Fuchs’ System of Species and Some Peculiarities of Rhythmics in Alexander Scria­bin’s Piano Miniatures.” S. I. Taneev i A. N. Skryabin. Uchitel’ i Uchenik [S. I. Taneev and A. N. Scriabin. Tea­cher and Student], edited by I. A. Skvortsova, N. D. Sviridovskaya, E. E. Potyarkina, Moscow: Nauchno-izdatel’skiy tsentr “Moskovskaya konservatoriya”, 2018, pp. 49–69. (In Russ.)
  6. Digonskaya, O. “Music paper.” Shostakovich v Lenin­gradskoy konservatorii: 1919–1930 [Shostakovich at Leningrad Conservatory: 1919–1930], edited by L. Kovnatskaya, St. Petersburg: Kompozitor, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 229–239. (In Russ.)
  7. Digonskaya, O. “Yavorsky.” Shostakovich v Lenin­gradskoy konservatorii: 1919–1930 [Shostakovich at Lenin­grad Conservatory: 1919–1930], edited by L. Kovnatskaya, St. Petersburg: Kompozitor, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 83–107. (In Russ.)
  8. Digonskaya, O. G., Kopytova, G. V. Dmitriy Shosta­ko­vich. Notograficheskiy spravochnik [Dmitry Shos­takovich. Bibliography of Printed Music]. Vol. 2, St. Petesburg: Kompozitor. Being prepared for publication. (In Russ.)
  9. Dolzhanskiy, A. N. 24 prelyudii i fugi D. Shostakovicha [D. Shostakovich’s 24 Preludes and Fugues],Lenin­grad: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1963. (In Russ.)
  10. Protopopov, V. “Polyphony in the works of N. A. So­kolov, A. T. Grechaninov, G. L. Katuar, A. V. Stanchinsky, A. D. Kastalsky.” Istoriya polifonii, vol. 5: Vl. Protopopov. Polifoniya v russkoy muzyke XVII — nachala XX veka [Polyphony in the Russian Music from the 17th to the early 20th Century],Moscow: Muzyka, 1987, pp. 257–271. (In Russ.)
  11. Sokolov, N. A. Imitatsii na cantus firmus. Posobie pri izuchenii kontrapunkta strogogo stilya [Imitationsagainst a cantus firmus. Textbook of the Counterpoint in the Strict Style], Leningrad: Izd-vo gos. Konser­vatorii, 1928. (In Russ.)
  12. “Shostakovich in M. O. Steinberg’s Diaries.” Publi­cation and commentary by O. L. Dansker. Shostakovich mezhdu mgnoveniem i vechnost’yu. Dokumenty, materialy, stat’i [Shostakovich amid an Instant and Eternity. Documents, Materials, Articles], edited by L. G. Kovnatskaya, St. Petersburg: Kompozitor, 2000, pp. 83–149. (In Russ.)