Marina I. Nest’eva

Musicologist, music and theater critic, Candidate of Art Criticism, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Russian Composers and the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. Editor and compiler of six collections of “Kompozitory soyuznykh respublik” [Composers of the Soviet Union Republics]. She was born in the family ofHonored Art Worker of the RSFSR, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, a prominent musicologist, journalist and editor I. V. Nest’ev. In 1962 she graduated from the Faculty of Music Theory and Composition of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (class of Professor, Doctor of Art Criticism L. A. Mazel). Since 1961—Senior Editor, since 1968—Head of Department of the magazine “Sovetskaya muzyka” [Soviet Music] (since 1992—“Muzykal’naya akade­miya” [Music Academy]). Currently holds a position of a consultant in this journal. The author of many articles on Soviet musical culture development and works of contemporary composers. Author of books “Muzyka Valentina Sil’vestrova. Besedy. Stat’i. Pis’ma” [Music by Valentin Silvestrov. Conversations. Articles. Letters] (2012), “Kazhdyy tekst ozhidaet interpretatsii” [Each Text Awaits Interpretation] (2017), “Sergei Prokofiev. Solnechnyy geniy” [Sergei Prokofiev. Sunny Genius] (2019).