Research article

The Unpublished Manuscript of Alexander Mikhaylov’s Article “On Designations and Denominations in Music Sheets by A. N. Scriabin”

Research article

The Unpublished Manuscript of Alexander Mikhaylov’s Article “On Designations and Denominations in Music Sheets by A. N. Scriabin”

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Kudinova, L. M. “Literary and linguistic terms in the titles of musical works of the twentieth century.” Imya v literaturnom proizvedenii: khudozhestvennaya semantika [Name in a Literary Work: Artistic Se­mantics], ed. by L. I. Sazonova, Moscow : IMLI RAN, 2015, pp. 436–456. (In Russ.)
  2. Kudinova, L. M. “Title in music (to the formulation of the problem).” Slovo i muzyka. Pamyati A. V. Mikhay­lova [Word and Music. In Memory of A. V. Mikhay­lov], сonference proceedings, issue 1, ed. and comp. by E. I. Chigareva, E. M. Tsareva, D. R. Pet­rov, Mos­cow : Moskovskaya konservatoriya, 2002, pp. 99–110. (In Russ.)
  3. Kudinova, L. M. Tematicheskiy slovar’ nazvaniy muzy­kal’nykh proizvedeniy [Thematic Dictionary of Titles of Musical Works], Kaluga : Zolotaya pchela, 2011. (In Russ.)
  4. Mikhaylov, A. V. Izbrannoe. Zavershenie ritoricheskoy epokhi [Selected works. The Termination of the Rhetorical Era], series “Letters of the Time,” comp. by S. Yu. Khurumov, St. Petersburg : Izdatelstvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2007. (In Russ.)
  5. Mikhaylov, A. V. “On designations and denomi­nations in music sheets by A. N. Scriabin.” Nizhe­gorodskiy skryabinskiy al’manakh [Nizhny Novgorod Scriabin Almanac], issue 1, Nizhny Nov­gorod : Nizhe­gorodskaya yarmarka, 1995, pp. 118–150. (In Russ.)
  6. Mikhaylov, A. V. “Poetics of the Baroque: the end of the rhetorical era.” A. V. Mikhaylov. Yazyki kul’tury. Ritorika i istoriya iskusstva. Klyuchevye slova kul’tury. Samoosmyslenie gumanitarnoy nauki [A. V. Mikhaylov. Languages of Culture. Rhetoric and History of Art. Keywords of Culture. Self-understanding of the Huma­nities], textbook on cultural studies, Moscow : Yazy­ki russkoy kultury, 1997, pp. 112–210. (In Russ.)
  7. Mikhaylov, A. V. “Word and music. Music as an event in the history of the word.” Slovo i muzyka. Pa­myati A. V. Mikhaylova [Word and Music. In Memo­ry of A. V. Mikhaylov], сonference proceedings, issue 1, ed. and comp. by E. I. Chigareva, E. M. Tsareva, D. R. Petrov, Moscow: Moskovskaya konservatoriya, 2002, pp. 6–23. (In Russ.)
  8. Mikhaylov, A. V. “Poetic texts in the works of Anton Webern.” A. V. Mikhaylov. Muzyka v istorii kul’tury. Izbrannye stat’i [A. V. Mikhaylov. Music in the History of Culture. Selected Articles], ed. and comp. by E. I. Chigareva, O. V. Loseva, D. R. Petrov, V. S. Tseno­va, Moscow : Moskovskaya konservatoriya, 1998, pp. 128–146. (In Russ.)
  9. Slovo i muzyka. Pamyati A. V. Mikhaylova [Word and Music. In Memory of A. V. Mikhaylov], сonference proceedings [issue 1], ed. and comp. by E. I. Chiga­reva, E. M. Tsareva, D. R. Petrov, Moscow : Mos­kov­skaya konservatoriya, 2002. (In Russ.)
  10. Slovo i muzyka. Pamyati A. V. Mikhaylova [Word and Music. In Memory of A. V. Mikhaylov], сonference proceedings, issue 2, ed. and comp. by E. I. Chigareva, E. M. Tsareva, D. R. Petrov, Moscow : Moskovskaya konservatoriya, 2008. (In Russ.)