
Richard Taruskin: “My Best Efforts were When I Would Get the Worst Reception”


Richard Taruskin: “My Best Efforts were When I Would Get the Worst Reception”

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Bukina, T. V. Muzykal’naya nauka v Rossii 1920-kh—2000-kh godov. Ocherki kul’turnoy istorii [Russian Musicology in 1920s–2000s. Essays on the History of Culture], St. Petersburg : RKhGA, 2010. (In Russ.)
  2. Manulkina, O. B. “Everyone is tired of the Rus­sian Mu­sic.” Interview with Gerard McBurney. Kom­mer­sant, no. 234, 16 December 1998, p. 9, https://kom­ (accessed 28 August 2022).
  3. Manulkina, O. B. “Richard Taruskin: ‘I’m used to negative comments’.” Openspace, 11 November 2011, (accessed 28 August 2022).
  4. Frolova-Walker, M. “‘National in Form, Socialist in Content’: Musical Nation-Building in the Soviet Republics.” Journal of the American Musicological Society, vol. 51, no. 2, Summer 1998, pp. 331–371.
  5. Frolova-Walker, M. “On ‘Ruslan’ and Russianness.” Cambridge Opera Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, 1997, pp. 21–45.
  6. Manulkina, O. B. “‘Foreign’ Versus ‘Russian’ in So­viet and Post-Soviet Musicology and Music Edu­cation.” Russian Music since 1917: Reappraisal and Rediscovery, ed. by P. Zuk, M. Frolova-Walker, Oxford : Oxford University Press, pp. 221–243, doi:10.5871/bacad/9780197266151.001.0001.
  7. Taruskin, R. “Catching Up with Rimsky-Korsakov.” Music Theory Spectrum, vol. 33, no. 2, 2011, pp. 169–185, doi:10.1525/mts.2011.33.2.169.
  8. Taruskin, R. Cursed Questions: On Music and Its Social Practices, Berkeley : University of California Press, 2020.
  9. Taruskin, R. On Russian Music, Berkeley : University of California Press, 2008.
  10. Taruskin, R. Russian Music at Home and Abroad, Berkeley : University of California Press, 2016.
  11. Taruskin, R. The Danger of Music: And Other Anti-Utopian Essays, Berkeley : University of California Press, 2009.
  12. Taruskin, R. “The Opera and the Dictator: The Peculiar Martyrdom of Dmitry Shostakovich.” The New Republic, 20 March 1989,, (accessed 01 August 2022).