
After Reading the Anniversary Edition: “Ethnomusicology of Azerbaijan: 1921–2021”


After Reading the Anniversary Edition: “Ethnomusicology of Azerbaijan: 1921–2021”

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Abasova, E. G., Danilov, D. Kh., Karagicheva, L. V., Safar-Alieva, K. K. Azerbaydzhanskaya Gosudar­stven­naya konservatoriya imeni Uzeira Gadzhibekova. 1921–1971 [Uzeyir Hajibeyov Azerbaijan State Conservatory. 1921–1971], ed. by S. I. Gadzhibekov, Baku : Azer­baydzhanskoe gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1972. (In Russ.)
  2. Badalbajli, A. Izahly monografik musigi lʏғəti [Explanatory Monographic Musical Dictionary], Baku : Elm, 1969. (In Azerbaijani)
  3. Volodina, N. V., Zhigotsky, P. E. “Religious islamist extremism: legal and philosophical aspects.” Vest­nik RUDN. Seriya: Yuridicheskie nauki [RUDN Journal of Law], no. 1, 2014, pp. 87–94. (In Russ.)
  4. Massignon, L. “Methods of artistic expression among Muslim peoples.” Arabskaja srednevekovaya kul’tura i literatura [Arabic Medieval Culture and Literature], collected articles by foreign scholars, comp. and introduction by I. M. Fil’shtinsky, ed. by D. V. Frolov, Moscow : Nauka, Glavnaya redaktsiya vostochnoy literatury, 1978, pp. 46–60. (In Russ.)
  5. “Navvab.” Bol’shaya rossiyskaya entsiklopediya. Elek­tronnaya versiya [Great Russian Encyclopedia. Elec­tronic version],­2243292 (accessed 07 August 2022). (In Russ.)
  6. Pamyatka po vyyavleniyu ideologii radikal’nogo islama [Memorandum on Identifying the Ideology of Radical Islam], Surgut : n. p., 2020. (In Russ.)
  7. Sviridova, I. K. “From the history of recordings and publications of Azerbaijani musical folklore.” Muzykal’naya fol’kloristika [Ethnomusicological Studies], issue 1, Moscow : Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1973, pp. 187–209. (In Russ.)
  8. Smirnov, A. V. O podhode k sravnitel’nomu izucheniyu kul’tur [On the Approach to the Comparative Cultural Studies], St. Petersburg : SPbGUP, 2009. (In Russ.)
  9. “Taliban killed Afghan folk singer Fawad Andarabi.” RosBiznesConsulting, 29 August 2021, (accessed 07 August 2022). (In Russ.)
  10. Halykzade, F. “The problem of preserving the musical folklore of Azerbaijan in the era of globalization.” Harmony: International Journal of the Cultural Studies of Music, (accessed 07 August 2022). (In Russ.)
  11. Shamilli, G. B. Filosofiya muzyki. Teoriya i praktika iskusstva maqām [Philosophy of Music. Theory and Practice of the Art of Maqām], Moscow : Yazyki slavyanskikh kul’tur; Sadra, 2020. (In Russ.)
  12. Shamilli, G. B. “Pitch grammars as a problem of the correlation of the part and the whole.” Problemy ontologii muzyki. K 90-letiyu Marka Genrikhovicha Aranovskogo (1928–2009) [Problems of Ontology of Music. To the 90th Anniversary of Mark Genrikhovich Aranovsky (1928–2009)], collective monography, comp. and ed. by G. B. Shamilli, Moscow : Gosu­dar­stvennyy institut iskusstvoznaniya, 2018, pp. 251–295. (In Russ.)
  13. Azərbaycan etnomusiqişünaslığı: 1921–2021 illər. Üzeyir Hacıbəyli adına Bakı Musiqi Akademiyasının 100 illik yubileyi münasibətilə [Azerbaijani Ethno­musicology: 1921–2021 Years. On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Uzeyir Hajibeyli Baku Music Academy], Baku : OL, 2021. (In Azerbaijani)
  14. Azərbaycanda yaşayan xalqların 50 mahnısı [50 Songs of People Living in Azerbaijan], karaoke, ed. by T. Məmmədov, Baku : Apostrof, 2011. (In Azer­baijani)
  15. Explanatory Dictionary of Ashyg Art, Baku : Ol, 2015.
  16. Mammadov, T. Koroğlu [Turkic epic Songs], Baku : Apostrof, 2013.
  17. Mammadov, T. Azərbaycan aşıq yaradıcılığı [Ashyg Art of Azerbaijan], Baku : Apostrof, 2011. (In Azerbaijani)
  18. Muğam ensiklopediyası [Mugham Encyclopedia], Ba­ku : Musiqi dünyası, 2008. (In Azerbaijani)
  19. Musigi dünyası: Beynəlxalq Elmi Musiqi Jurnalı [World of Music: International Scientific Musical Journal], (accessed 07 Au­gust 2022). (In Azerbaijani)
  20. Navvab, M. M. Dər elmi-musiqi. Vüzuhül-ərqam [Expla­nation of the Numbers], Baku : 1913. (In Azerbaijani)
  21. Navvab, M. M. Vüzuhül-ərqam [Explanation of the Num­bers], ed. by Z. Safarova, Baku : Elm, 1989. (In Azerbaijani)
  22. Osmanlı marşları, vətən və millət nəğmələri [Ottoman Marches, Songs about the Motherland and about the Nation], comp. and transcribed by M. A. Bagirov, Baku : Bəradaran Mir Bağirov, 1914. (In Azerbaijani)
  23. Zardabi, H. bey. Türk nəğmələrin məcmüəsi [Collection of Turkic Songs], 1st ed., Baku : Tipografiya gubern­skogo pravleniya, 1901. (In Azerbaijani)