Giula Shamilli

Doctor of Art History, leading researcher at the State Institute of Art Studies (Moscow). Graduated from the Music-theoretical Faculty of the Azerbaijan State Conservatory named after Uz. Hajibeyov and the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnessins (PhD thesis ‘Problems of interpretation of treatises on music of the Safavid era’, 1996). Researcher of the theory and practice of the classical (oral-professional) musical tradition of the Near East and the Caucasus (the art of ‘maqām’). She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic ‘Classical music of Iran. Fundamental Categories of Theory and Practice’ (State Institute of Art Studies, 2009). Founder of the interdisciplinary project ‘Conceptualization of music in the Abrahamic traditions’ and the scientific-practical seminar ‘Music in Culture’ (since 2017). Author of 14 books, including the monograph ‘Philosophy of Music. Theory and Practice of the Art of Maqām’ (2020) and commented translations of Persian treatises on music of the XII—XVI centuries.