
“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” About the Book of Unknown Letters by Maria Yudina


“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” About the Book of Unknown Letters by Maria Yudina

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Drozdova, M. A. “‘Non-substractable’. An episto­lary confession.” “Ya vsegda ishchu i nakhozhu No­voe…” Neizvestnaya perepiska Marii Yudinoy [“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” Ma­ria Yudina’s Unknown Correspondence], comp. by K. V. Zenkin, A. B. Lyubimov, M. A. Drozdova, Mosсow ; St. Petersburg : Nestor-istoriya, 2022, pp. 5–12. (In Russ.)
  2. Zenkin, K. V. “Maria Yudina in communication with Igor Stravinsky.” “Ya vsegda ishchu i nakhozhu Novoe…” Neizvestnaya perepiska Marii Yudinoy [“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” Maria Yudina’s Unknown Correspondence], comp. by K. V. Zenkin, A. B. Lyubimov, M. A. Drozdova, Moscow ; St. Petersburg : Nestor-istoriya, 2022, pp. 466–479. (In Russ.)
  3. Collot, J.-P. “Paris discoveries.” “Ya vsegda ishchu i nakhozhu Novoe…” Neizvestnaya perepiska Marii Yudinoy [“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” Maria Yudina’s Unknown Correspondence], comp. by K. V. Zenkin, A. B. Lyubi­mov, M. A. Drozdova, Moscow; St. Peters­burg : Nes­tor-istoriya, 2022, рр. 454–456. (In Russ.)
  4. Lyubimov, A. B. “A Pilgrimage to Yudina.” “Ya vsegda ishchu i nakhozhu Novoe…” Neizvestnaya perepiska Marii Yudinoy [“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” Maria Yudina’s Unknown Correspondence], comp. by K. V. Zenkin, A. B. Lyubimov, M. A. Drozdova, Moscow ; St. Peters­burg : Nestor-istoriya, 2022, pp. 448–453. (In Russ.)
  5. Wilson, E. “Yudina—an interpreter of Prokofiev’s works.” “Ya vsegda ishchu i nakhozhu Novoe…” Neiz­vestnaya perepiska Marii Yudinoy [“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” Maria Yudina’s Unknown Correspondence], comp. by K. V. Zenkin, A. B. Lyubimov, M. A. Drozdova, Moscow ; St. Petersburg : Nestor-istoriya, 2022, рр. 457–465. (In Russ.)
  6. Stockhausen, K. “Hommage to Maria Yudina.” Yudina M. V. Pred litsom Vechnosti. Perepiska, 1967–1970 gg. [Yudina M. V. In Front of the Face of Eternity: Correspondence 1967‒1970], ed. by А. М. Kuznetsov, Мoscow ; St. Petersburg : Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2013, рр. 524–525 (In Russ.)
  7. Yudina M. V. V iskusstve radostno byt’ vmeste. Pere­piska, 1959–1961 gg. [Yudina M. V. It’s Joyful to be Together in Art: Correspondence 1959‒1961], [ed. by А. М. Kuz­netsov], Мoscow : ROSSPEN, 2009. (In Russ.)
  8. Yudina M. V. Vysokiy stoykiy dukh. Perepiska, 1918–1945 gg. [Yudina M. V. A Lofty and Resistant Spirit: Correspondence 1918‒1945], [ed. by A. M. Kuznetsov], M. : ROSSPEN, 2006. (In Russ.)
  9. Yudina M. V. Dukh dyshit, gde khochet. Perepiska, 1962–1963 gg. [Yudina M. V. The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth: Correspondence 1962‒1963], ed. by А. М. Kuz­netsov, Мoscow : ROSSPEN, 2010. (In Russ.)
  10. Yudina M. V. Zhizn’ polna Smysla. Perepiska, 1956–1959 gg. [Yudina M. V. Life is Full of Meaning: Correspondence 1956‒1959], [ed. by А. М. Kuz­net­sov], Мoscow : ROSSPEN, 2008. (In Russ.)
  11. Yudina M. V. Nereal’nost’ zla. Perepiska, 1964–1966 gg. [Yudina M. V. The Unreality of Evil: Correspondence 1964‒1966], ed. by А. М. Kuznetsov, Мoscow : ROSS­PEN, 2010. (In Russ.)
  12. Yudina M. V. Obrechennaya abstraktsii, simvolike i bes­plotnosti muzyki. Perepiska, 1946–1955 gg. [Yudina M. V. Destined for Abstraction, Symbolism and Incorporeality of Music: Correspondence 1946‒1955], ed. by 
  13. А. М. Kuznetsov, Мoscow : ROSSPEN, 2008. (In Russ.)
  14. Yudina M. V. Pred litsom Vechnosti. Perepiska, 1967–1970 gg. [Yudina M. V. In Front of the Face of Eternity: Correspondence 1967‒1970], ed. by А. М. Kuznet­sov, Мoscow ; St. Petersburg : Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsia­tiv, 2013. (In Russ.)
  15. “Ya vsegda ishchu i nakhozhu Novoe…” Neizvestnaya perepiska Marii Yudinoy [“I am Always Searching for Novelty―and I Always Find it…” Maria Yudina’s Unknown Correspondence], comp. by K. V. Zenkin, A. B. Lyubimov, M. A. Drozdova, Moscow ; St. Peters­burg : Nestor-istoriya, 2022. (In Russ.)
  16. Maria Youdina [,] Pierre Souvtchinsky. Correspondance et documents (1959–1970), édité et traduit du russe et de l’allemand par Jean-Pierre Collot, Genève : Contrechamps éditions, 2020.
  17. Wilson, E. Playing with Fire: The Story of Maria
    Yudina, Pianist in Stalin’s Russia,
    New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2022, doi:10.2307/j.ctv28bqm1q