Archive publication

Social Progress and Music. Publication, foreword, and comments by Tatyana S. Kyuregyan

Archive publication

Social Progress and Music. Publication, foreword, and comments by Tatyana S. Kyuregyan

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Magistro Georgio Septuaginta. K 70-letiyu Yuriya Nikolaevicha Kholopova [Magistro Georgio Sep­tuaginta. To the 70th Anniversary of Yury N. Kho­lopov], comp. and ed. by V. S. Tsenova, Moscow : Kom­po­zitor, 2002. (In Russ.)
  2. Asafyev, B. V. (Igor’ Glebov). Muzykal’naya forma kak protsess [Musical Form as a Process], in 2 books, Leningrad : Gosudarstvennoe muzykal’noe izda­tel’­stvo, 1963. (In Russ.)
  3. Babiy, A. N., Kyuregyan, T. S. “Yury Nikolaevich Kholopov and his Ryazan background.” Nauchnyy vestnik Moskovskoy konservatorii [Journal of Moscow Conservatory], vol. 13, no. 3 (September 2022), pp. 448–73, 2022.50.3.01. (In Russ.)
  4. Kandinskiy V. V. O dukhovnom v iskusstve [Con­cerning the Spiritual in Art], preface by N. Kan­din­skaya, Mezhdunarodnoye literaturnoye sodru­zhe­stvo, 1967. (In Russ.)
  5. Marx, A. B. “The Musical Teaching of the Past in Dispute with our Era.” Muzykal’naya estetika Germanii XIX veka [Musical Aesthetics of Germany in the 19th Century], vol. 2: Anthology, comp. by A. Mikhaylov, V. Shestakov, Moscow : Muzyka, 1982, pp. 101–109. (In Russ.)
  6. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Changing and unchanging in the evolution of musical thinking.” Problemy tra­ditsii i novatorstva v sovremennoy muzyke [Prob­lems of Tradition and Innovation in Modern Music], comp. by A. M. Gol’tsman, ed. by M. E. Tarakanov, Moscow : Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1982, pp. 52–104. (In Russ.)
  7. Kholopov, Yu. N. Muzyka R—T—S. Esteticheskie aspekty. Mashinopis’ [E-Musik—Third Stream—U-Musik. Aesthetic aspects. Typescript], (In Russ.)
  8. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Anton Webern.” Iskusstvo (prilo­zhenie k gazete «Pervoe sentyabrya») [Art (supple­ment to the newspaper “The 1st of September”)], no. 19,
    May 2000, pp. 2–3. (In Russ.)
  9. Kholopov, Yu. N. “On the perception and under­standing of new music of the 20th century.” Iskus­stvo (prilozhenie k gazete «Pervoe sentyabrya») [Art (supple­ment to the newspaper “The 1st of Septem­ber”)], no. 39, October 2000, pp. 2–4. Reprinted in the book: Idei Yu. N. Kholopova v XXI veke.
    K 75-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Ideas of Yu. N. Kholo­pov in the
    21st Century. To the 75th Anniversary of His Birth], ed. and comp. by T. S. Kyuregyan, Mos­cow : Muzizdat, 2008, pp. 401–413. (In Russ.)
  10. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Pierre Boulez.” Iskusstvo (prilo­zhe­nie k gazete «Pervoe sentyabrya») [Art (supplement to the newspaper “The 1st of September”)], no. 5, March 1–15, 2001, pp. 6–8. Reprinted under the author’s title “Khudozhestvennoe prostran­stvo P’era Buleza” [The Artistic Space of Pierre Boulez]” in the book: Kholopov Yu. N. O russkoy i zarubezhnoy muzyke. Stat’i. Materialy [On Rus­sian and Foreign Music. Articles. Materials], ed. and comp. by T. S. Kyuregyan, Moscow : Nauchno-izda­tel’skiy tsentr “Moskovskaya konservatoriya,” 2022, pp. 762–772. (In Russ.)
  11. Kholopov, Yu. N. Garmoniya. Prakticheskiy kurs [Harmony. Practical Course], part 2: Garmoniya XX veka [Harmony of the 20th Century], Mos­cow : Kom­pozitor, 2002. (In Russ.)
  12. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Whither goest thou?” Musica theorica, vol. 8, Moscow : 2002 (manuscript). (In Russ.)
  13. Kholopov, Yu. N., Kirillina L. V, Kyuregyan T. S, Lyzhov G. I, Tsenova V. S. Muzykal’no-teoretiche­skie sistemy [Musical Theoretical Systems], Mos­cow : Kompozitor, 2006. (In Russ.)
  14. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Quo vadis. Musical thinking today.” Yu. N. Kholopov. O russkoy i zarubezhnoy muzyke. Stat’i. Materialy [On Russian and Foreign Music. Articles. Materials], ed. and comp. by T. S. Kyure­­gyan, Moscow : Nauchno-izdatel’skiy tsentr “Moskov­skaya konservatoriya,” 2022, pp. 15–22. (In Russ.)
  15. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Modal system of Russian folk­lore (codicis propositum).” Yu. N. Kholopov. O rus­skoy i zarubezhnoy muzyke. Stat’i. Materialy [On Russian and Foreign Music. Articles. Materials], ed. and comp. by T. S. Kyuregyan, Moscow : Nauchno-izdatel’skiy tsentr “Moskovskaya konservatoriya,” 2022, pp. 15–22. (In Russ.)
  16. Kholopov, Yu. N. “Sonorism by Karlheinz Stock­hausen: Musical-historical aspect.” Trans. by S. I. Sa­venko, Yu. N. Kholopov. O russkoy i zarubezhnoy mu­zyke. Stat’i. Materialy [On Russian and Foreign Music. Articles. Materials], ed. and comp. by T. S. Kyu­regyan, Moscow : Nauchno-izda­tel’skiy tsentr “Moskovskaya konservatoriya,” 2022, pp. 807–824. (In Russ.)
  17. Spengler, O. Zakat Evropy [The Decline of Europe], vol. I, trans. by N. F. Garelina, Moscow, Petro­grad : L. D. Frenkel’, 1923. (In Russ.)
  18. Kholopov, Yu. N. “E-Musik—Third Stream—U-Mu­sik. Aesthetic aspects.” Muzikalni horizonti, no. 5, 1990, pp. 1–12. (In Bulgarian).
  19. Cholopow, Yu. “Sonorik bei Karlheinz Stock­hausen: ein musikhistorischer Aspekt.” Musi­kos komponavimo principai. Teorija ir praktika, Vil­nius : Kronta, 2001, pp. 85–97.
  20. Marx, A. B. Die alte Musiklehre im Streit mit unserer Zeit, Leipzig : Breitkopf und Härtel, 1841.
  21. Pederson, S. “Marx, (Friedrich Heinrich) Adolf Bernhard [Samuel Moses].” The New Grove Dic­tionary of Music and Musicians, ed. by S. Sadie, London : Macmillan, 2001, vol. 16, pp. 13–15.