Scientific translation

Guido of Arezzo. Prologue to an Antiphoner

Scientific translation

Guido of Arezzo. Prologue to an Antiphoner

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Fratris Michaeli “Dialogus de musica.” Edition of La­tin text, translation, and commentary by S. N. Le­bedev, Nauchnyy vestnik Moskovskoy konser­vatorii [Journal of Moscow Conservatory], vol. 12, no. 1, March 2021, pp. 8–33, doi:10.26176/mosconsv. 2021.44.1.001. (In Russ.)
  2. Guido of Arezzo. “Micrologus.” Trans. from Latin, intro­duction, and comment. by S. N. Lebedev, Nauch­nyy vestnik Moskovskoy konservatorii [Journal of Mos­cow Conservatory], vol. 14, no. 1, March 2023, in print. (In Russ.)
  3. Guido of Arezzo. “Prologue to an Antiphoner.” Trans. from Latin and comment. by R. L. Pospelova. Sator tenet opera rotas. Yuriy Nikolaevich Kholopov i ego nauchnaya shkola (k 70-letiyu so dnya rozhde­niya) [Sator tenet opera rotas. Yury Nikolaevich Kholo­pov and His Scientific School (to the 70th Anniversary of Birth)], collected articles, ed. by V. S. Tsenova, Moscow : Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, 2003, pp. 48–67. (In Russ.)
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  10. Guido d’Arezzo’s Regule rithmice, Prologus in anti­phonarium and Epistola ad Michahelem, a critical text and translation <...> by D. Pesce, Ottawa : The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 1999.
  11. Guidonis Aretini Prologus in antiphonarium, edidit Jos. Smits van Waesberghe, Buren : Frits Knupf, 1975.
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  14. Stäblein, B. Schriftbild der einstimmigen Musik, Leipzig : VEB Verlag, 1975.