Peer review

Peer Review of Nataliya Savkina’s Article “Correspondence of B. V. Asafyev and S. S. Prokofiev in the Collection of Columbia University”

Peer review

Peer Review of Nataliya Savkina’s Article “Correspondence of B. V. Asafyev and S. S. Prokofiev in the Collection of Columbia University”

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Krivitskaya, E. D. “Prokofiev collection at the Bol­shoi theatre Museum. Letters to P. P. Suvchinsky, B. V. Asafyev, and S. A. Samosud.” S. S. Prokofiev: k 125-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya. Pis’ma, dokumenty, stat’i, vospominaniya [S. S. Prokofiev: To the 125th Birth Anniversary. Letters, Documents, Articles, Memoirs], ed. and comp. by E. S. Vlasova, Moscow : Kompozitor, 2016, pp. 233–245. (In Russ.)
  2. “S. S. Prokofiev’s letters to B. V. Asafiev (1920–1944).” Publ. by M. G. Kozlova, Iz proshlogo sovetskoy mu­zykal’noy kul’tury [From the Past of Soviet Music Culture], ed. and comp. by T. N. Livanova, vol. 2, Mos­cow : Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1976, pp. 4–54. (In Russ.)
  3. Prokofiev, S. S. Dnevnik [Diary], vol. 1: 1907–1918, Paris : Serge Prokofiev estate, 2002. (In Russ.)
  4. Savkina, N. P. “ ‘Visa is Received and a Place in a Sleeping Car is Booked’. Serge Prokofiev and Nicolai Malko: The Quest of the Absolute.” Nauch­nyy vestnik Moskovskoy konservatorii [Jour­nal of Moscow Conservatory] vol. 13, no. 4,
    pp. 678–735, doi:10.26176/mosconsv.2022.51.4.02.
    (In Russ.)
  5. Savkina, N. P. “Originally from the St. Petersburg Conservatory.” Problemy muzykal’noy mauki [Music Scholarship], no. 1, 2022, pp. 7–17, doi:10.17674/2782-3601.2022.1.007-017. (In Russ.)
  6. [Prokofiev S.] “Letters to Boris Asafiev.” Selected Letters of Sergei Prokofiev, trans., ed. and with an introd. by H. Robinson, Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1998, pp. 87–139.