About the Concept of the Second Symphony by Galina Ustvolskaya

About the Concept of the Second Symphony by Galina Ustvolskaya

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


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  12. Druskin, Ya. S. “Discussions about the biblical Ontology, about the Secret of Contingency, about My Slavery and My Freedom and about Eschatology, not Included in the ‘Vision of Invisibility’.” Druskin, Ya. S. Lestnitsa Iakova. Esse, traktaty, pis’ma [Jacob’s Ladder. Essays, Treatises, Letters]. Selected and edited by L. S. Druskin, St. Petersburg: Akade­micheskiy proekt, 2004, pp. 125–172. (In Russ.)
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  24. Vozglas vo vselennuyu [Schreeuw in het heelal]. Documentary. Director Jose Foormans. VPRO, 2005, https://youtu.be/ninHa6TqgqM.