“Count Castelli” by Ivan Walberch: Ballet to the Combined Music

“Count Castelli” by Ivan Walberch: Ballet to the Combined Music

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Arapov, P. Letopis’ russkogo teatra [Chronicle of the Russian Theater], St. Petersburg : tipografiya N. Tib­lena i komp., 1861. (In Russ.).
  2. Val’berg, I. I. Graf Kasteli, ili Prestupnyy brat: Tra­gi­che­skiy balet v pyati deystviyakh / Sochinenie g. Val­berkha; Muzyka g-d Martini, Sarti i Davydova. Deko­ratsiy (sic.) g-d Dranshe i Gonzago [Count Casteli, or The Criminal Brother: The Tragic Ballet in Five Acts / Composition by Mr. Walberh; Music by Mr. Martini, Sarti and Davydov. Scenery by Mr. Dranche and Gon­zago], St. Petersburg : v Teatral’noy tipografii, 1804. (In Russ.).
  3. Val’berkh, I. I. Iz arkhiva baletmeystera. Dnevniki. Perepiska. Stsenarii [From the Archive of the Choreo­grapher. Diaries. Correspondence. Scenarios], 2nd ed., St. Petersburg : Planeta Muzyki; Lan’, 2010. (In Russ.).
  4. Gozenpud, A. Muzykal’nyy teatr v Rossii ot istokov do Glinki [Musical Theater in Russia from its Origins to Glinka], Leningrad : Muzgiz, 1959. (In Russ.).
  5. Maksimova, A. “The Gatchina ballets of A. Paris and J. Sarti of 1799: unknown sources.” Voprosy muzy­ko­znaniya: Teoriya. Istoriya. Metodika, Moscow : MGU, 2013, pp. 78–96. (In Russ.).
  6. Maksimova, A. E. “Ariadne’s thread (P. Chevalier de Brissol’s ballet to the music of V. Martin-y-Soler).” Vestnik Akademii Russkogo baleta im. A. Ya. Vaganovoy [Bulletin of Vaganova Ballet Academy], no. 1 (42), 2016, pp. 67–78. (In Russ.).
  7. Sto sorok baletnykh libretto [One Hundred and Forty Ballet Libretto], Compiled by K. I. Antonova, L. A. Se­rebrya­kova, Chelyabinsk : Ural L.T.D., 2001. (In Russ.).