Alexander V. Naumov

Born in Moscow in 1976. Graduated as a musicologist from Moscow Musical College (now —College of Schnittke Moscow Institute of Music) and then from Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory. Candidate of Art Criticism (2001, thesis: “Funeral March: The History and Theory of the Genre”). Since 2001 teaches at the Russian Music History Department of Moscow Conservatory (History of music; Lecturer Philharmonic Practice); Associate Professor since 2010. In 2013 started to work also at the Department of History and Theory of Performing Art (History of Vocal Art; History of Vocal Styles). Main spheres of scientific interest — incidental music (music for drama performances), biographies of Russian composers of the 1st part of the 20th century. Author of books: “200 let traurnogo marsha” [200 Years of the Funeral March] (2001); “Rozhdeniye traghedii is dukha musyki. ‘Hamlet’ U. Shekspira v musyke teatra i kino” [The Birth of Music from the Spirit of Tragedy. “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare in Theatrical and Cinema Music] (2010); “Arensky i drughie [Arensky and Others] (2012); “Aleksandr Yurasovsky. Dnevnik nedopisannoi zhizni [Alexander Yurasovsky. The Diary of the Unfinished Life] (2017); “S. A. Khalatov. Vospominaniya. Vstrechi. Vpechatleniya [S. A. Khalatov. Memoirs. Meetings. Impressions] (2018). Naumov has near 50 published articles, research collections, textbooks and editorial programs.