
From the “Medieval Art of Memory” to the Modern Art of Translation. Review of the book “Medieval Music and the Art of Memory” by Anna Maria Busse Berger, translated by Marina Akimova


From the “Medieval Art of Memory” to the Modern Art of Translation. Review of the book “Medieval Music and the Art of Memory” by Anna Maria Busse Berger, translated by Marina Akimova

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  1. Busse Berger, А. М. Srednevekovaya muzyka i is­kus­stvo pamyati [Medieval Music and the Art of Memory], trans. by М. Akimova, St. Petersburg : Academic Studies Press / Bibliorossika, 2023.
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  27. The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music, ed. by A. M. Busse Berger and J. Rodin, Cam­bridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015.