Methodological article

Musical Dictation: Between Past and Future

Methodological article

Musical Dictation: Between Past and Future

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Davydova, E. V. Metodika prepodavaniya muzykal’­nogo diktanta [Methods of Musical Dictation Teaching], Moscow : Muzgiz, 1962. (In Russ.)
  2. Dzhumanova, L. R. “Traditions and innovation in mu­sical dictation writing.” Vzaimodeystvie tra­ditsiy i novatorstva v prepodavanii muzykal’no-teo­reticheskikh distsiplin v DMSh i DShI: Materialy III Vse­rossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. 5‒6 iyunya 2023 [Interaction of Traditions and Innovation in Teaching Musical Theoretical Disciplines in Children’s Music Schools and Children’s Art Schools: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian Scien­tific and Practical Conference. June 5‒6, 2023].
    Moscow : DOP SKI, pp. 7‒11, (accessed 23 August 2024). (In Russ.)
  3. Dubynin, V. A. Mozg i ego potrebnosti: Ot pitaniya do priznaniya [The Brain and its Needs: From Nutrition to Recognition], Moscow : Al’pina Pablisher, 2020. (In Russ.)
  4. Muzykal’nye zanimatel’nye diktanty dlya ucha­shchikhsya mladshikh klassov DMSh i DShI [Enter­taining Musical Dictations for Junior Students of Schools of Music and Art], comp. and preface by G. F. Ka­linina, Moscow : Kalinin V. V., 2001. (In Russ.)
  5. Primernaya programma po uchebnomu predmetu “Sol’fedzhio” [Sample Program for the Academic Subject “Ear Training”], developed by G. A. Zhukovskaya, T. V. Kazakova, ed. by I. E. Domogatskaya, Moscow : Ministerstvo kul’tury RF, 2012. (In Russ.)
  6. Programma kursa sol’fedzhio dlya detskikh mu­zykal’nykh shkol [Ear Training Course Requirements for Schools of Music], comp. by E. V. Davydova, S. F. Zaporozhets, N. A. Dalmatov and others, Moscow : Ministerstvo kul’tury SSSR, 1964. (In Russ.)
  7. Psikhologiya detstva. Uchebnik [Psychology of Childhood. Textbook], ed. by A. A. Reana, St. Peters­burg : Praym-Evroznak, 2003. Masters of Psycho­logy. (In Russ.)
  8. Sheremet’eva, N. M. Sol’fedzhio dlya 1 i 2 klassov nachal’noy shkoly [Ear Training for the 1st and 2nd Grades of Primary School], ed. by A. L. Ostrov­skiy, Moscow ; Leningrad : Muzgiz, 1949. (In Russ.)