Publication of archival documents

Correspondence of B. V. Asafyev and S. S. Prokofiev in the Collection of Columbia University

Publication of archival documents

Correspondence of B. V. Asafyev and S. S. Prokofiev in the Collection of Columbia University

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Asafyev, B. V. “Iz pisem k zhene. 1928 god [From the letters to wife. 1928].” From the Past of the Soviet Music Culture, issue 3, comp. by T. N. Livanova, Moscow : Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1982, pp. 5–28. (In Russ.)
  2. Asafyev, B. V. Ob opere. Izbrannye stat’i [On Opera. Collected Articles], Leningrad : Muzyka, 1985. (In Russ.)
  3. Asafyev, B. V. “Pis’ma o russkoy opera i balete [Letters on Russian Opera and Ballet].” O balete. Stat’i, retsenzii, vospominaniya [On ballet. Articles, Reviews, Memoirs], Leningrad : Muzyka, 1974, pp. 76–85. (In Russ.)
  4. Asafyev, B. V. Russkaya muzyka. XIX i nachalo XX ve­ka [Russian Music. 19th and Early 20th Century], Leningrad: Muzyka, 1968. (In Russ.)
  5. Asafyev, B. V. “Frantsuzskaya muzyka i ee sovre­mennye predstaviteli [French Music and Its Con­temporary Exponents].” Shest’. Novaya frantsuz­skaya muzyka. Milo, Onegger, Orik, Pulenk, Dyurey, Tayefer. Sbornik statey [Les Six. New French Music. Milhaud, Honegger, Auric, Poulenc, Durey, Tailleferre. Collected Articles], Leningrad : Academia, 1926, pp. 25–51. (In Russ.)
  6. Asafyev, B. V. (Igor Glebov). “ ‘Ya by khotel ikh vypustit’ otdel’noy knizhkoy…’ (sem’ statey iz-za granitsy, 1928 god) [‘I would like to release them as a separate book…’ (seven articles from abroad, 1928)].” Iz proshlogo sovetskoy muzykal’noy kul’tury [From the Past of Soviet Music Culture], issue 3, Moscow : Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1982, pp. 29–52. (In Russ.)
  7. Asafyev, B. V., Myaskovsky, N. Ya. Perepiska. 1906–1945 gody [Correspondence. 1906–45], publication, textological preparation and scientific commen­tary by E. S. Vlasova, Moscow : Kompozitor, 2020. (In Russ.)
  8. V. G. Karatygin. Zhizn’, deyatel’nost’, stat’i i materialy [V. G. Karatygin. Life, Work, Articles and Materials], Leningrad : Academia, 1927. (In Russ.)
  9. Varunts, V. P. “Novye materialy iz zarubezhnykh arkhivov [New materials from foreign archives].” Muzykal’naya akademiya [Music Academy], no. 2, 2000, pp. 189–192. (In Russ.)
  10. Vygotsky, N. Ya. “I. Glebov kak muzykal’nyy kritik [I. Glebov as a music critic].” Proletarskiy muzykant [Proletarian Musician], no. 7, 1929, pp. 20–28. (In Russ.)
  11. Gachev, D. I. “O ‘Stal’nom skoke’ i direktorskom naskoke [About ‘The Steel Step’ and the Director’s Pounce].” Proletarskiy muzykant [Proletarian Musi­cian], no. 6, 1929, pp. 19–23. (In Russ.)
  12. Glebov, I. K vosstanovleniyu “Borisa Godunova.” Sbor­nik statey [To the restoration of “Boris Godunov” by Mussorgsky. Collected articles], Moscow : Muzsector Gosizdata, 1928. (In Russ.)
  13. Glebov, I. Kniga o Stravinskom [Book About Stra­vinsky], Leningrad : Triton, 1929. (In Russ.)
  14. Dos Passos, J. 1919 [1919], trans. from English by V. Stenich, Leningrad : LenGIHL, 1933. (In Russ.)
  15. Keldysh, Yu. Balet “Stal’noy skok” i ego avtor Prokof’ev [Ballet “The Steel Step and Its Author—Prokofiev].” Proletarskiy muzykant [Proletarian Musician], no. 6, 1929, pp. 12–19. (In Russ.)
  16. “Lyubov’ k trem apel’sinam.” K postanovke opery Sergeya Prokof’eva [“The Love for Three Oranges.” To the production of the opera by Sergey Prokofiev], Leningrad : Triton, 1926. (In Russ.)
  17. “Lyubov’ k trem apel’sinam.” K postanovke opery Sergeya Prokofyeva [“The Love for Three Oranges.” To the production of the opera by Sergey Prokofiev], Leningrad : Kirov Leningrad State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, 1934. (In Russ.)
  18. Materialy k biografiii B. Asaf’eva [Materials to the Biography of B. Asafyev], comp. by A. Kryukov, Leningrad : Muzyka, 1982.
  19. Nef, K. Istoriya zapadno-evropeyskoy muzyki [History of Western European Music], translated from French by B. V. Asafyev (Igor Glebov), Moscow : Muzgiz, 1930. (In Russ.)
  20. Porfir’eva, A. L. Pis’ma B. V. Asaf’eva A. V. Ossov­skomu [B. V. Asafyev’s Letters to A. V. Ossov­sky].” Novye dokumenty po istorii iskusstvoznaniya: XX vek [New Documents on the History of Art Criticism: 20th Century], issue 1: 1920-e—1930-e gody [1920s—1930s], St. Petersburg : Petropolis, 2017, pp. 270–389. (In Russ.)
  21. Prokofiev, S. S. Dnevnik [Diary], part 2: 1919–1933, Paris : Serge Prokofiev Estate, 2002. (In Russ.)
  22. Prokofiev, S. S. “Konspekt dlya dnevnika ili krat­kiy dnevnik [Abstract for diary or concise diary].” Russkaya muzykal’naya istoriografiya: prosh­loe, sovre­mennost’, perspektivy [Russian Musical Historio­graphy: Past, Present, Prospects], ed. by I. A. Skvortsova, N. V. Gur’eva, I. V. Dynnikova, E. E. Potyarkina, Mos­cow : Moscow Conservatory Press, 2022, pp. 325–350. (In Russ.)
  23. Prokofiev, S. S. “Pis’mo v redaktsiyu [Letter to the editor’s office].” K novym beregam [To the New Shores], no. 2, 1923, pp. 15–17. (In Russ.)
  24. Prokofiev, S. S. “Pis’ma k V. E. Meyerhol’du [Letters to V. E. Meyerhold],” published and commented by K. N. Kirilenko and M. G. Kozlova. Mu­zykal’noe nasledstvo [Musical Heritage], vol. 2, part 2, Moscow : Muzyka, 1968, pp. 212–231. (In Russ.)
  25. Prokofiev, S. S. “Parizh, vesenniy sezon [Paris, spring season].” De Musica: Vremennik razryada istorii i teorii muzyki Gosudarstvennogo instituta istorii iskusstv [Chronicle of the Section of Music Theory and History of the State Institute of Art History],
    issue 1, Leningrad, Academia, 1925, pp. 127–129. (In Russ.)
  26. Prokofiev, S. S. “Pis’ma B. V. Asafyevu (1920–1944) [Letters to B. V. Asafyev (1920–1944)],” pub­lished by M. G. Kozlova. Iz proshlogo sovetskoy muzykal’noy kul’tury [From the Past of Soviet Music Culture], comp. and ed. by T. N. Livanova, issue 2, Moscow : Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1976, pp. 4–54. (In Russ.)
  27. Prokofiev, S. S., Koussevitzky, S. A. Perepiska 1910–1953 [Correspondence 1910–1953], preparation of the text and comments by V. Yuzefovich, Mos­cow : Deka-VS, 2011. (In Russ.)
  28. Prokofiev, S. S., Myaskovsky, N. Ya. Perepiska [Cor­res­pon­dence], foreword and indexes by M. G. Koz­lo­va, comments by V. A. Kiselev, Moscow : Sovet­skiy kompozitor, 1977. (In Russ.)
  29. Prokofiev, Sv. S. “O moikh roditelyakh. Beseda syna kompozitora s Nataliey Savkinoy [About my parents. Conversation between the composer’s son and Natalia Savkina].” Sergey Prokofiev, 1891–1991. Dnevnik, pis’ma, besedy, vospominaniya [Sergey Prokofiev, 1891–1991. Diary, Letters, Conver­sations, Memoirs], comp. by M. E. Tarakanov, Mos­cow : Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1991, pp. 212–232.
    (In Russ.)
  30. Prokofieva, L. I. “Iz vospominaniy [From memoirs].” Sergey Prokof’ev. Stat’i i materialy [Sergey Prokofiev. Articles and Materials], comp. and ed. by I. V. Nes­t’ev and G. Ya. Edel’man, Moscow : Muzyka, 1965, pp. 174–232. (In Russ.)
  31. Savkina, N. P. “V bor,be s ‘udushlivoy romantikoy staroy opery.’ Sergey Prokof’ev i Vladimir Dra­nishnikov v 1920—nachale 1930-kh godov [In the fight against the ‘suffocating romance of the old opera.’ Sergey Prokofiev and Vladimir Dranishnikov in 1920—early 1930s].” Vestnik muzykal’noy nauki [Bulletin of Musical Science], vol. 8, no. 4, 2020, pp. 14–23, doi:1024411/ 2308-1031-2020-10061. (In Russ.)
  32. Savkina, N. P. “Igroki. Drug vechnyy. Igral’naya [Gamblers. Eternal friend. Gambling house].” Buklet mirovoy prem’ery pervoy redaktsii opery “Igrok” v GABTe [Booklet of the World Premiere of the First Edition of the Opera “The Gambler” in the Bolshoi Theatre], Moscow : Teаtralis, 2001, pp. 3–14. (In Russ.)
  33. Savkina, N. P. “Ognennyy angel” S. S. Prokofieva: K istorii sozdaniya [“The Fiery Angel” by S. S. Prokofiev: To the History of Its Creation], Moscow : Moscow Con­servatory Press, 2015. (In Russ.)
  34. Savkina, N. P. “Rodom iz Peterburgskoy con­ser­va­torii [Originally from the St. Petersburg Con­ser­vatory].” Problemy muzykal’noy nauki [Music Scholar­ship], no. 1, 2022, pp. 7–17, doi: 10.17674/2782-3601.2022.1.007-017. (In Russ.)
  35. Debussy, C. Lettres de Claude Debussy à son éditeur, Paris : A. Durand et fils, 1927.
  36. Debussy, C. Monsieur Croche antidilettante. Pa­ris : Librairie Dorbon-aimé, 1921.
  37. Durand, J. Quelques souvenirs d’un éditeur de musique. 1-er serie, Paris : Durand, 1924. 2-eme serie, Paris : Durand, 1926.
  38. Encyclopédie de la musique et dictionnaire du Con­servatoire, 11 vols., eds.: A. Lavignac, L. de La Lau­rencie, Première partie: Histoire de la musique, Paris : Librairie Delagrave, 1913–1922.
  39. George, A. Arthur Honegger, Paris : Claude Aveline, 1926.
  40. Godet, R. En Marge de “Boris Godunof”: Notes Sur Les Documents Iconographiques de L’édition Chester, vols. 1–2, Paris : F. Alcan, 1926.
  41. Glebov, I. (Asafyev, B. V.) “Moussorgski, musi­cien-dramaturge.” Revue musicale, 1928, 1 avril, pp. 216–243.
  42. Glebov, I. (Asafyev, B. V.) “ ‘Boris Godounov’ res­tauré.” Revue musicale, 1928, 1 avril, pp. 274–276.
  43. Herriot, E. La vie de Beethoven, Paris : Librairie Gallimard, 1927.
  44. d’Indy, V. Beethoven: Biographie Critique, Pa­ris : Henri Laurens, 1911.
  45. La Laurencie, L. de. L’École française de violon de Lully à Viotti. Études d’histoire et d’esthétique, 2 vols., Paris : Delagrave, 1922.
  46. Mic, C. La commedia dell’arte, ou le théatre des Comédiens italiens des XVIe, XVIIe & XVIIIe siècles, Paris : Pleiade, 1927.
  47. Nef, Ch. L’histoire de la musique, Paris : Payot,
  48. Prunieres, H. La vie et l’oeuvre de Claudio Monte­verdi. Paris : Les éditions musicales de la Librairie de France, 1926.
  49. Rolland, R. Histoire de l’opéra en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti, Paris : Albert Fontemoing, 1895.
  50. Rolland, R. Voyage musical au pays du passé, Pa­ris : Edouard-Joseph, 1919.
  51. Tiersot, J. Les Couperins, Paris : Alcan, 1926.