Yuliya S. Veksler

Born in Gorky in 1969. Graduated from Glinka Nizh­niy Novgorod State Conservatory (1994), and then completed her postgraduate studies there. Candidate Dissertation: “Symbolics in Alban Berg’s Music” (1998, scientific advisor —
S. I. Sa­venko). From 1997 to 2004 she had several research scholarships in Vienna (Alban Berg Stiftung; OAD) and Berlin (DAAD). Doctor of Art Criticism (2011). Since 2000, she has been teaching at the Music History Subdepartment of Glinka Nizhniy Nov­go­rod State Conservatory, since 2011— Pro­fessor. Author of two monographs: “Alban Berg and His Time” (2009) and “On Alban Berg’s Com­po­sitional Process” (2017).