Ekaterina M. Tsareva

Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor of the Foreign Music History Department at Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory. Born in Moscow. In 1960 gra­duated from the Music Theory and Composition and the Piano Faculties of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, in 1963 finished a post-graduate course at Moscow Conservatory (supervisor — Professor N.S. Nikolaeva). In 1973 defended her Candidate dissertation “Piano Works of Brahms”, in 1990—Doctoral dissertation “Johannes Brahms”. From 1964 to now she teaches at the Foreign Music History Department, Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory, since 1992—Professor. Holds general courses of foreign music history and a special course of the foreign music of the 19th century. Author and editor of various scholarship publications and study books on Western European and Russian music of the 18th–20th centuries, in particular, on the works of Schumann, Brahms, Tchaikovsky.