Anna L. Porfir’eva

Musicologist, Candidate of Art Criticism. Head of the Music Sector of the Russian Institute of Art History. Born in Leningrad. Graduated from the Music school of S. S. Lyakhovitskaya, the Musorgsky School of Music, Rimsky-Kor­sakov Leningrad State Conservatory. Then she completed her postgraduate studies at the Le­ningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography in the Music Sector, which she has been in charge since 1984. The main teacher of A. L. Porfir’eva is the composer, pianist, musicologist, Professor S. M. Slonimsky. The main work is the multivolume encyclopedic dictionary “Muzykal’nyy Peterburg. XVIII vek” [Musi­cal Petersburg. 18th century]. Among her scientific interests are Wagner and Russian culture at the turn of the 20th century, Wagner’s musical theater, opera and modern opera house.
