Kristina V. Perevozchikova

A 4th-year student of the Musicology Depart­ment of the Voronezh State Institute of Art. Scientific supervisor—Professor V. E. Devutskiy. Graduated from the Gubkin State College of Music. Diploma winner of the 8th Internatio­nal Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth and Scientific and Technological Progress,” the 8th In­ter­regional Competition of Students’ Re­search Works of the Music Theory Depart­ment (Rach­maninov Tam­bov State Music and Peda­gogical Institute), the 5th Musicological Com­petition “Ural Youth Fo­rum” in the direction of “Foreign Music of the 19th—the First Half of the 20th Cen­turies,” Ruch’ev­skaya Competi­tion for Musical Analysis. Par­ti­cipant of scientific confe­rences such as the 12th Bolkhovitinov Readings, “The Artistic World of I. S. Turgenev in the Mirror of Art,” “Philo­sophical Problems of Art. Tra­ditions and Modernity,” “Music in the Series
of Arts.”