Arina A. Lyakhova

Candidate of Art Criticism. Candidate Dissertation: “Morton Feldman’s Later Work: Between the Idea and Implementation” (2014), supervisor—Doctor of Art History, Professor T. V. Tsaregradskaya. She graduated from the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music in 2011 and postgraduate school in 2014. She took part in international scientific conferences: “Music in the Modern World” (Moscow, 2010), “Philosophy and Art” (Moscow, 2012), and the International Conference of Students and Graduate Students (Moscow, 2012), “Studies of Young Musicologists” (Moscow, 2013). During her studies, she became a laureate of the 20th All-Russian Kabalevsky Competition for Young Musicians (2004) and the 20th International Student Research Competition in the Field of Musical Art (2010). Sphere of scientific interests: the work of US composers of the second half of the 20th century.


Issue № 1 (769) │ 2020