Marina Ya. Kuklinskaya

Teacher at Vishnevskaya College of Musical and Theatrical Art. Candidate of Art Criticism. Disser­tation: “Carnival in the Musical Culture of Western European Romanticism” (2001). She has worked out a course of history of musical theater. Participated in international scientific and practical conferences “Opera in Musical Theater: History and Modernity” (Moscow, 2017), “Shakespeare Readings-2018” (Moscow, 2018), “Metamorphoses of Artistic Forms and Meanings” (St. Petersburg, 2018), “Im Span­nungsfeld Goethes” (Moscow, 2019), and others. Her articles have been published in magazines “Music Academy,” “Observatory of Culture,” “The­ater. Painting. Cinema. Music,” “South-Russian Musi­cal Anthology,” etc. Area of scientific interests: musical theater.