Marina E. Girfanova
Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor, Music Theory Department, Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory. Born in Sochi. In 1986, graduated from Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (under Evgeny V. Nazaykinsky), in 1999 completed her postgraduate studies at Kazan Conservatory. In 2000 she defended her candidate dissertation “Mensural Theory and Practice of the 14th–15th Centuries” (Moscow Conservatory, under scientific supervision of Evgeny V. Nazaykinsky), in 2016—doctoral dissertation “Mensural System as a Historical Type of Western European Musical Meter” (Kazan Conservatory, scientific consultant—Rimma L. Pospelova). Since 1989 Marina Girfanova teaches at Kazan Conservatory, from 2000—Associate Professor, from 2016—Professor. Head of the Postgraduate School (2002–2008). Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council (since 2012).