Marina E. Girfanova

Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor, Music Theory Department, Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory. Born in Sochi. In 1986, graduated from Tchai­kovsky Moscow State Conservatory (under Ev­ge­ny V. Nazaykinsky), in 1999 completed her post­graduate studies at Kazan Conservatory. In 2000 she defended her candidate dissertation “Men­sural Theory and Practice of the 14th–15th Cen­turies” (Moscow Conservatory, under scientific supervision of Evgeny V. Nazaykinsky), in 2016—doctoral dissertation “Mensural System as a His­torical Type of Western European Mu­sical Meter” (Kazan Conservatory, scientific con­sul­tant—Rim­ma L. Pospelova). Since 1989 Marina Gir­fa­nova teaches at Kazan Conservatory, from 2000—Associate Professor, from 2016—Professor. Head of the Postgraduate School (2002–2008). Aca­de­mic Secretary of the Dissertation Council (since 2012).
