Kirill V. Diskin

Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor at the Russian Music History Department of Rim­sky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory. In 2005 he graduated from Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, in 2008 completed his postgra­duate under professor K. I. Yuzhak. In 2013 defended Cand. Sci. (Art Criticism) Dissertation about the 18th century German theory of fugue (focused on treatises by J. J. Fux, F. W. Marpurg, J. G. Albrechtsberger). He is the author of articles on polyphony, the history of music theory, the history of St. Petersburg Conservatory, and on masters of musical culture of St. Petersburg of the late 19th―early 20th centuries.