Sergey A. Bulanov
Musicologist, music critic, lecturer. Postgraduate student of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music (scientific supervisor—Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor T. V. Tsaregradskaya). Leading interview-project for students of music universities in Moscow “Okay, Gnesinka.” Author of educational lectures “Golden Age of the Bolshoi Theater,” “Comic in Russian music of the XX century.” Collaborates with the television project “XX century. Signs of the time” (TV channel “Russia-Culture”). Curator of the Museum in memory of Valentina Levko. Published on the portal “Muzykal’nye sezony” [Musical Seasons], in the magazine “Muzykal’naya zhizn’” [Musical Life] and others. Executive secretary of the “Muzykal’naya zhizn’” [Musical Life] magazine.