Larisa M. Belogurova

After studying at Rachmaninov Tambov College of Music, in 1989, she graduated from the Facul­ty of History, Theory and Composition at The Gne­sins State Musical-Pedagogical Institute, then became a postgraduate (scientific super­visor—M. A. En­go­vatova). In 2000, defended her Candidate Dissertation “Melodic and Geo­graphic of the Smolensk Region and the Prob­lems of Reconstructing the Ethnocultural Land­scape.” Since 1995, she has worked at The Gne­sins Rus­sian Academy of Music as a lecturer at the Music History Department and a researcher at E. V. Gippius Music and Ethnographic Center. Since 2018, Head of the Department of Ethno­musico­logy. Since 2012, Editor-in-chief of the “Issues of Ethnomusicology” journal, the only specialized periodical in Russia devoted to the problems of ethnomusicological science. Her main research interests are related to the geo­graphy of folk music culture.