Larisa M. Belogurova
After studying at Rachmaninov Tambov College of Music, in 1989, she graduated from the Faculty of History, Theory and Composition at The Gnesins State Musical-Pedagogical Institute, then became a postgraduate (scientific supervisor—M. A. Engovatova). In 2000, defended her Candidate Dissertation “Melodic and Geographic of the Smolensk Region and the Problems of Reconstructing the Ethnocultural Landscape.” Since 1995, she has worked at The Gnesins Russian Academy of Music as a lecturer at the Music History Department and a researcher at E. V. Gippius Music and Ethnographic Center. Since 2018, Head of the Department of Ethnomusicology. Since 2012, Editor-in-chief of the “Issues of Ethnomusicology” journal, the only specialized periodical in Russia devoted to the problems of ethnomusicological science. Her main research interests are related to the geography of folk music culture.