Research article

Transformation of the Image of Alexander Scriabin in the Russian Newspapers in 1910–1917

Research article

Transformation of the Image of Alexander Scriabin in the Russian Newspapers in 1910–1917

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Bogoslovskiy, E. V. “In memory of who, thanks to whom we were alive.” Muzyka [Music], no. 220, 26 April, 1915, p. 282. (In Russ.)
  2. Glebov, I. “Great Sacrifice.” Muzyka [Music], no. 220, 26 April, 1915, p. 272. (In Russ.)
  3. Gubanova, Z. “At the Scriabin concert.” Saratovskiy listok [Saratov Leaflet], no. 265, 1 December, 1911, p. 3. (In Russ.)
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  26. Lobanova, M. N. Teosof — teurg — mistik — mag: Aleksandr Scriabin i ego vremya [Theosophist—Theurgist—Mystic—Magician: Alexander Scriabin and his Time], St. Petersburg : Petroglif, 2012. (In Russ.)
  27. Novoe vremya [New Time], no. 12670, 10 March, 1911, p. 5. (In Russ.)
  28. Poluyanov, P. I. “Lamb.” Muzyka [Music], no. 220, 26 April, 1915, p. 271. (In Russ.)
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  31. Priazovskiy kray [Azov Region], no. 198, 28 Juny, 1916, p. 3. (In Russ.)
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    (In Russ.)
  34. Rannee utro [Early Morning], no. 51, 3 March, 1911, p. 4. (In Russ.)
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  39. Sabaneev, L. L. Scriabin, Moscow : Skorpion, 1916. (In Russ.)
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  42. “Scriabin about his new quests.” Vechernyaya gazeta [Evening Newspaper], no. 625, 21 February, 1915, p. 3. (In Russ.)
  43. “Scriabin about Chopin.” Utro Rossii [Russian Morning], no. 102–69, 10 February, 1910, p. 5. (In Russ.)
  44. Scriabina, V. I. “From the memoirs of V. I. Scriabina.” Utro Rossii [Russian Morning], no. 94, 14 April, 1917, p. 4. (In Russ.)
  45. Stril’no, B. “Concert by A. N. Scriabin.” Kubanskiy kray [Kuban Region], no. 330-8, 12 January, 1911, p. 3. (In Russ.)
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  48. Chereshkin, G. Ya. “Evening of new music.” Mos­kov­skie vedomosti [Moscow Vedomosti], no. 51, 4 March, 1911, p. 4. (In Russ.)
  49. Chereshkin, G. Ya. “Concert in memory of A. N. Scria­bin.” Moskovskie vedomosti [Moscow Vedomosti], no. 244, 23 October, 1915, p. 4. (In Russ.)
  50. Engel’, Yu. D. “Scriabin’s second concert.” Russkie vedomosti [Russian Vedomosti], no. 252, 1 November, 1913, p. 5. (In Russ.)
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  52. Engel’, Yu. D. “Concert of Scriabin.” Russkie vedo­mosti [Russian Vedomosti], no. 20, 25 January, 1912, p. 4. (In Russ.)
  53. Engel’, Yu. D. “In memory of Scriabin.” Russkie vedo­mosti [Russian Vedomosti], no. 85, 14 April, 1916, p. 4. (In Russ.)
  54. Yuzhnyy kray [Southern Region], no. 13312, 14 April, 1916, p. 6. (In Russ.)
  55. Yanovskiy, B. K. “New book about Scriabin.” Rampa i zhizn’ [Ramp and Life], no. 30, 24 Juny, 1916, p. 4. (In Russ.)
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