About Constructive Principles in “Da” by Alexander Knaifel

About Constructive Principles in “Da” by Alexander Knaifel

This article is written in Russian. You can read it here.


  1. Barskiy, V. “Apology of Raskatov.” Muzyka iz byv­shego SSSR. Sbornik statey [Music From the former USSR. Digest of Articles], issue 1, Moscow : Kompozitor, 1994, pp. 257–271. (In Russ.)
  2. Ekimovskiy, V. Mandala (Kompozitsiya 39 dlya de­vyati ispolniteley) [Mandala (Composition 39 for Nine Performers)]. Knayfel’, A. Da (Kompozitsiya dlya ansamblya solistov) [Yes (Composition for an Ensemble of Soloists)]: score, Moscow : Kom­po­zitor, 1991.
  3. Knayfel’, A. “Man by nature is avant-garde.” http://sinergia-lib.ru/index.php?section_id=1417&id=1302 (accessed 18 May 2020). (In Russ.)
  4. Koliko, N. “The tree of life in the hymn ‘Yes’ (1980) by Alexander Kneifel.” https://www.com­pozitor.spb.ru/images/First_pages-pdf (accessed 18 May 2020). (In Russ.)
  5. Kompozitor dolzhen dozhdat’sya muzyki. Interv’yu s Valentinom Sil’vestrovym [The Composer Must Wait for the Music. Interview with Valentin Silvestrov] http://www.sinergia-lib.ru/index.php?page=%20silvestrov_v_v (accessed 18 May 2020). (In Russ.)
  6. Savenko, S. “The magic of hidden meanings: Alexan­der Knaifel.” Muzyka iz byvshego SSSR. Sbor­nik statey [Music from the Former USSR. Digest of Articles], issue 1, Moscow : Kompozitor, 1994, pp. 187–207. (In Russ.)
  7. Sil’vestrov, V. Dozhdat’sya muzyki: Lektsii-besedy [Wait for the Music: Lecture-Conversations], Kiev : Dukh i litera. (In Russ.)
  8. Eykhenbaum, B. Anna Akhmatova. Opyt analiza [An­na Akhmatova. Analysis Experience], Peterburg : Gosu­darstvennyy trest “PETROPEChAT”, 1923. (In Russ.)
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  10. Meister, H. “Alexander Knaifel ‘Ja’.” MELOS, no. 3, 1984, pp. 2–13.